Chapter 4

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"VANESSA!" Tobi yelled causing Vanessa to open her eyes.

"Tobi?" Vanessa looked at the fast pace zombies and ran to him.

Joey threw a glass bottle at a house causing the zombies to run to that. The three ran along the wall and Joey fell.

"Guys, I've been bit. I'm not going to make it." Joey tells them and they look at each other.

"Look bro, you sacrificed yourself to save us twice. We not leaving you." Tobi told him and held out his hand which Joey took.

"Plus, you're too young to die." Vanessa shrugged.

"I'm the same age as you ma'am." Joey laughed as Tobi helped him on his back.

They started to climb the wall and the zombies were quick to notice. Just before the zombies could get to them, they reached the top and fall to the other side rolling down the hill.

"Are you guys okay?" Vanessa asked and they nodded getting up.

"We gotta be quick." Tobi puts Joey arm over his shoulder and they started walking.

"I think I know the cure..." Vanessa told them causing them to look at her like she was crazy.

"Well what is it?" Joey asked coughing.

"It's zombie blood, human blood makes this whole thing affective." Vanessa elaborated.

"What?" They both asked.

"I'm pretty sure our parents will do some type of Houdini magic to make it not taste like zombie blood and look less disgusting." Vanessa joked.

"What are we waiting for, come on and let's catch up to them." Tobi picked up the pace as Vanessa kept up with his pace.

Oh my God, thank heavens. Camila

Our babies are alive. Normani

I told y'all to pray. Ally

This shit is hard. Dinah

I know. Tori

You okay Lauren? Dinah

Is anyone okay? Lauren

"It's okay Ali..." Lindsey held onto her other hand as Kol held the occupied one.

"I can't believe I lost my only sibling." She sighed.

"We are your family too." Lindsey swung their hands together and Aliyah smiled sadly.

"It's" Timothy said and CJ looked at the GPS to see that they are about 10 miles aways.

"It's getting night, we should camp before walking 10 more miles." CJ said and they nodded.

They built their camp and firecamp. They made their beds and cuddled with each other. Just then, they closed their eyes finally letting their tiredness from crying  take over.

"It's getting dark, we should hurry." Vanessa looked around and Tobi nodded.

"Guys, I won't make it..." Joey coughed more violently and his skin pale.

"Kol has zombie blood." Vanessa remembered and Joey looked at her.

"He does, a lot of it too." Tobi smiled at Vanessa.

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