School. (1)

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Sam's P.O.V

Now that band camp was over, Colby and I met up with each other at the front of school every morning. But this morning he didn't show up. I waited and waited, checking my phone every two seconds until 5 minutes before the bell. 

Colby- Hey, I'm so sorry, I'm just running late.

Me- It's no stress, I'll see you in class, don't worry. Xx

I walked to class and sat down in my usual chair, glancing over occasional to the empty seat beside me. Colby hated being late. 

Our teacher began the register. "...Colby?...Has anyone seen Colby?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's on his way. He's gonna be a bit late." I quickly said. The teacher nodded and continued on. A few minutes later the door opened and Colby walked in, his head was down, blazer crumpled up a little and his fringe covered his eyes. He quickly sat beside me, still not looking up. The teacher gave him a small look but said nothing. "Hey, you alright?" I asked softly. It had been 3 weeks since we first met and I'd soon got him to look at me in the eyes. He seemed a lot happier and didn't keep his head down as much. He was still quiet but it was getting a lot better. The fact that he couldn't look at me again was concerning. I heard him sniff quietly and watched as a single tear rolled down the side of his face. We were sat at the back of the classroom so I didn't have to worry about anyone watching us. I pressed my hand against his back rubbing slow circles onto it. "Hey, you're alright." I whispered, moving a little closer. I felt him tense up at my touch but he soon relaxed again when he knew it was me. "Colby, can you look at me, please." 

He shivered but still raised his head his eyes slowly meeting mine. I held back a gasp. "Who...Who did this to you.....?!!"

Cliffhanger. Sorry. Hope you're enjoying the story.

Love y'all

- Colby O

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