School (2)

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Sam's P.O.V

Colby's face was bruised and there was blood from his lip that was split open and a cut on his forehead. "Who...who did this to you.....?!!" I stuttered, gripping his hand tightly. 

"I-I, it's nothing." He mumbled looking away again.

"Colby please, I need to know. I want to help you." I replied quickly. I saw his eyes fill with tears again. "I-it was my d-dad." He whimpered. I pulled him into a hug ignoring the teacher staring at us. Thankfully, he didn't say anything. "It'll be ok, does it happen often?" I asked. He nodded against my shoulder. "Everything will be alright. We will get this figured out okay?" He nodded again. 

Flashback* in Colby's P.O.V     T.W abuse

I woke up at 8 am, pretty late if I wanted to meet Sam and get in on time, pulling myself out of bed with aching bones from last nights beating. I stumbled the stairs and could already smell the sickening stench of alcohol. He was drunk again. I was in hell. I had to leave quickly. I fled to my room grabbing my bag and shrugging on a hoodie. Then a loud thud came from behind me. I turned around just in time for a fist to come flying at my face knocking me to the ground. My vision grew slightly blury and I just felt pain as a barrage of kicks and punches came at me. "P-p-please... s-stop" I whimpered, tears pouring down my face. My 'dad' grabbed my hair and pulled me up towards his face. "Look at you, you worthless little shit, it your fault she's dead" He yelled, referencing my Mam who had passed away earlier in the year due to cancer. "You're useless, fucking useless I don't know why you were born, no one loves you, just get the fuck out of everyone's life." I pulled my rucksack onto my shoulders and pushed past him hurriedly, running down the stairs and out the front door. I didn't stop running until I was a safe distance from the house. I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out seeing a couple notifications, then I realised. I hadn't met up with Sam and I was definitely not going to make in time for the first bell.

Me- Hey, I'm so sorry, I'm just running late.  

I typed with shaky blood splattered hands. I immediately received and answer.

Sammy💙💕- It's no stress, I'll see you in class, don't worry. Xx

Sam was always so nice to me. I was so thankful to have him. I didn't deserve someone like him in my life.

We got on with classes for the day and I kept close to Colby's side the entire time always worried for him. 5th period we had separately though. "Hey, everything will be alright, meet me at the gate, if you need me I'll keep my phone on." I said, giving him a quick hug. We walked our separate ways and went to class. 

Class droned on and on feeling like a year instead of an hour. Finally, finally, the bell rang. I pushed my school book forward and grabbed my bag before racing out of the class. I ran straight to the gate and waited. Waited and waited. No Colby. I decided to text him a couple times.


Are you still in school?

I'm waiting at the gate.

I'm coming back in. 

I walked back into the school and down a couple hallways. No sign of Colby. I travelled the halls of A block and then K block before walking across to J block. As soon as I entered I heard the shouting. Colby!

This one is slightly longer than normal. Hope you like it.

- Colby O.

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