New Friends and realisations.

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Sam's P.O.V

I don't wanna go home

"Oh Colby, maybe you could stay at mine?" I asked. He shook his head. 

"No it was a stupid thing to ask, I... just ignore it. " He replied. Aryia and Kevin looked over concerned. 

"It's not stupid Colby. I promise, I want to help you." I said. He shook his head, 

"You... you can't no one can. Everyone whose ever said that gave up, so I'd stop trying now instead of wasting your time." He answered. My heart hurt. I could tell Aryia and Kevin were in shock too. "Well, I'm not like them." I finally said,"I'm not gonna give up on you, no one should have." He gave me a small smile. "Th-thanks." I smiled back. "Come one, we should be getting home." He nodded. "Thank you...." He trailed off.

"I'm Aryia," Aryia said,"I'm always around if you need me."

"I'm Kevin," Kevin said," Why don't you come sit with us at lunch tomorrow, you should meet the others. Trust me they'll love you." 

Colby gave it a minutes thought before slowly nodding. I could tell he was nervous about meeting more people but I knew them all and they would love him. Kevin smiled and slapped Aryia's arm running down the hall, "I'll race you to the bus." He said enthusiastically. They were soon out of sight. I turned to Colby. "Come on. We should get you home." I said sadly, I didn't want Colby to go home, he didn't want to go home, he didn't deserve what was waiting for him at home. Home was hell. And that wasn't how it was supposed to be.

We walked down the pavement, talking to each other about the randomest things. "I guess I should go in." Colby said. I looked up realising we'd reached his house. I nodded," Yeah, but you have my number, you know where my house is. I'm always here if you need me." He gave me a brief smile of gratitude before walking up to his door. He pushed it open, stepped inside and shut the door behind him. I couldn't help but wonder what was happening as I walked away. Was he okay? 

I had to trust him.

The Next Day

I was ready for school. I said goodbye to my mum, grabbed my rucksack and left for Colby's house. 

It only took me about 7 minutes to get to his house. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Colby was quickly slipping out the front door and closing it as gently as he could. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Just walk." He hissed gently, clearly panicky. Once we were a safe distance away from the house we slowed down a little.

"Sorry, it's just, he was drunk again a-and was r-refusing to let m-me leave. I-if he had s-seen me...god..." Colby said. I pulled him into a hug, " It's okay. Let's get to school." 

We arrived on time and went quickly to our first lesson. History. The teacher droned on and on before the bell finally rang. Then was English, then break, then science, then music (which I learnt Colby loved), then Maths and finally the bell for lunch rang. Colby and I were two of the first people out of the lesson. We walked down the hall and from where we would usually go outside and eat alone in a secluded area of the school, I pulled him into the canteen. I felt him shake a little, his anxiety rising. "Hey, you'll be fine. " I promised looking through the swarms of people and finally spotting my friends. "They're all one or two years older than us but they are really nice, trust me." 

We walked over to the long table they were all sat at. "Hey Sam!" Corey said, "I haven't seen you in ages brutha." I rolled my eyes and laughed pulling Colby across to sit beside me at the end of the table. "So guys, I want you to meet Colby. Colby this is Mike, Tara, Jake, Reggie, Corey, Devyn, Xepher, Katrina, Brennen and you already know Kevin and Aryia." Each person waved as I said their name. Colby gave a nervous smile and quietly said, "Hey." 

"Hey bro, welcome to the family," Jake said, laughing lightheartedly. We sat and ate and talked and messed around and I could tell Colby was having a good time.  We spoke a little more before Colby turned to me. "Hey, "He said softly," I think I left my drink in last period, I'm just gonna run and get it." I nodded, "Okay, do you want me to come with you?" I asked. He shook his head, "Na, I'm good, thanks." He stood from his seat and walked out. I watched him leave a small smile playing on my lips. "Ayy!" Corey said, "Sammy's gotta crush." I rolled my eyes. "I do no-.. " I trailed off. I wanted to say I didn't but... oh god. I was in love with Colby.

840 words

love y'all

- Colby O

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