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"Stop!! So, Y/n, did you miss me?!!" Nancy somehow appeared out of a thin air.

I spit out all my milk all over Yeji and she screamed.
"What the actually fuck?!"

Now the whole café was giving us an annoyed look. Yeji and I bowed our head in apology then turned to Nancy.

She had a HUGE smile plastered across her face.  I was so SHOCKED to see my cupcake somehow gotten stuck in her hair and was sliding down the side of her face.

"H-how did my cupcake........?"
"I was holding your cupcake a while ago and it FLEW when WE JUST GOT A HUGE SNEAKY ATTACK!!" Yeji explained while her face was still in huge shock.

Nancy slowly scrapped off a big blob of smashed cupcake and licked the frosting off her finger.
"Sorry about that...My bad." She snickered.

Then she smiled wickedly and said the most STUPIDEST thing...
"Here! I think this Red velvet cupcake belongs to you." She returned back my poor cupcake.

It literally looked so disgusting that I felt like I gonna throw up.
"What are you doing here?" I asked trying to hide in my anger.

"Tch, what am I doing here? Um, hello?! I got here first, so you're NOT allowed to be here unless I'm done with my coffee." She flips her hair.  I scoffed then turned to Yeji, who was giving her the CAN-I-KILL-HER look.

"Girl, your name isn't here. So, anyone can come here, however they like." Yeji rolled her eyes.
"I'm not talking to you, honey." Nancy gave Yeji a dirty look.

I feel like grabbing her wretched little neck and FORCE-FEEDING her cupcakes until frosting OOZED out of her ears!!!!

Kidding. I'm not that CRUeL. *clears throat*

"So, Y/'s that kiss with my Joshie? You like it?" She asked annoyingly.
"Tch. Do I look like I enjoyed it?" I scoffed while grabbing my milk to drink it.

BUT!!!! She just simply grabbed my MILK and poured it all over my head.
"You deserve it you little b*tch! Who told you to freaking kiss my boyfriend?!" Nancy pushed my head then left the café.

"Oh my gosh, Y/n!" Yeji quickly grabbed a bunch of tissue paper then wiped my hair. I took a DEEP DEEP BREATH...then slowly EXHALE ALL MY ANGER AWAY.......
"Now we're both covered in vanilla milk." I scoffed.

"Let's just go. Everyone in this café, are kinda giving us the GLARES now." Yeji grabbed my arm then left the cafe. 

"That bitch is so lucky that I didn't even lay a single hand on her."
"She's so....disgusting. I'm sorry but why the hell is Joshua still dating her?! Her attitude is- Oh my gosh!" Yeji looked like she's about loose her shit.

"You, know what? I need to head home now and get a nice freaking shower. And you too." I huffed then marched towards my car. Yeji waved me a Goodbye then I nodded and started my car engine.


•at (Joshua's) home

I angrily grabbed my stuff and went inside. Joshua was giving me his weird looks then kept staring at me till I reached the kitchen counter.

"Why are you drenched in milk." Joshua snorted. I ignored him and went to the fridge to arrange my stuff.

When I opened the fridge, I've never saw anything this RIDICULOUS before. Joshua literally separated all his foods and drinks and labelled his name on each of them.

"What the fu-" I face palmed myself and just arranged all my stuff inside. After I'm done, Joshua suddenly appeared right behind me. I jumped and let out a huge shriek.

"Can you not?! I've had enough of this!" I pushed him aside and walked upstairs.
"Oh and lastly!! DO NOT TOUCH MY PRECIOUS FOODS AND DRINKS!!!" I yelled from my room before shutting my door.

I quickly had my shower then ran downstairs to have a drink. But when I opened the fridge, I noticed some of my stuff went missing.

I looked up and saw Joshua, still watching his show. How long has he watched tv? I walked towards him and asked..
"Hey, where did my- YAH! THOSE ARE MINE!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT THEM!!" I was in complete shock to see him chewing my
tteokbokki and drinking my strawberry milk.

"So what? These aren't yours." He shrugged.
"Excuse me?! I bought those! And you already got your own food!!" I yelled, trying to hold in my tears of ANGER. I can cry when I'm REALY, SUPER DUPER, ANGRY or STRESSED!!

"Your name isn't on this tteokbokki or milk so it's mine." He smirked while sipping the milk right in front of me.
"Oh for GOD'S SAKE!" I ruffle my hair then went to my bedroom.

I grabbed a BLACK PERMANENT MARKER, A WHOLE BUNCH OF STICKY NOTES and A HUGE TAPE. I marched downstairs like an angry HULK then sat right in front of the fridge.

I took out all the stuff I bought and labelled my name on it.
"EUN Y/N!" I mumbled to myself while angrily writing my name on the sticky note.
"What are you doing?" Joshua teased while kicking my ass. I didn't even care about it because I was busy labelling. 

"Can't you see I'm writing my NAME in PERMANENT INK?" I emphasised the word Permanent ink.
"Oh,okay. I wanna do it too." He sat down beside me and grabbed a note pad.

"Just go away." I said in annoyance but he ignored me and grabbed my marker away from me.

And guess what he wrote? He wrote his freaking NAME and placed it on my FOOD!
"YAH! Joshua Hong!!!!!" I ripped it apart and shooEd him away. He just laughed evilly while leaning against the kitchen counter, watching me.

Then, a tear suddenly escaped from the tip of my eye.

YES. I CRIED. I just cannot bear it anymore.

I sobbed while writing my name on each sticky note. It kinda felt like I've been punished by a kindergarten teacher.
"Are you crying?" Joshua asked while snorting.

I didn't replied because he made me feel worst. I sobbed loudly while wiping away my tears.

"Just go away...leave me alone, you bully" I began to bawl like a freaking child. Joshua mimicked my action then left to watch his tv.

I roughly taped my name on my stuff then rearranged them in the fridge. After I'm done, I washed my hand and grabbed a whole box of tissue paper then ran upstairs to my room.

"I wanna go HOME!!!" I whined while blowing my nose on the tissue.

To be continued...

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