Amaranth [Immortal love]

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~Listen to the song for the ambiance if you want. ~Kim-chan <3


Looking up, I let the snow fall all over me and let my red umbrella go. I don't know what I was doing here. I'm supposed to do something but I had forgotten it. Every passing second, I end up losing bits and bits of my memories and I'm not sure if I would still be able to remember what I'm supposed to remember.

I no longer know my name...
My past is slowly drifting away from my memory too...
It feels as if I was slowly disappearing... slowly becoming forgotten...
But I haven't done what I'm supposed to do yet so I'm not going yet...
Somewhere... which I don't know...

I continued to walk. It was weird but I cannot feel anything other than the pain of losing something. I sighed. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go but the path I'm taking now leads to a place that feels quite right.

I walked straight...
Walked and walked some more...

And then...
I saw him...

Right... I do remember now...

I've died...

An hour earlier.

It's Christmas day. I've been away for a week but I'm going to be home this Christmas. I kept it a secret from Kouyou to surprise him. I bought the ring he had always wanted too as a present. I'm sure that he is going to be surprised and happy. I plan on proposing to him today.

When I had sneaked in inside our home silently...
Someone else's presence bothered me...
Sounds of pleasure from our bedroom...
Kouyou's sweet moans...

I slowly pushed the door, that was left ajar, open...
There... I saw Kouyou with a raven that I've never known...

I had dropped the ring in my shocked state...
My fingers just felt numbed so do my whole body...
The thump of the small box against the carpeted floor alerted them of my presence...
I just stared at them as tears fell from my eyes silently...

Nonetheless... Kouyou was surprised...

I run away in my crushed state...
I shouldn't have begged my boss to let me go home this Christmas...
It won't matter if Kouyou cheats on me if I didn't know but now that I knew...

It just hurts so much...
My little heart was broke into two more little pieces...

No one...
No Kouyou... He didn't  even run after me to explain...
He just let me run away...
Didn't apologized or anything...

As I was running...

A car hit me and busted my skull open...
But there was no Kouyou to look after me...
I didn't even hear him make up lies...

I felt my soul detach from my body...

But I never felt his warmth surrounding me in this cold, winter day...


Present time.

He had just seen my dead body covered with my own blood...
Staining the pure white snow like cherry syrup... and so, my bluish, pale skin...
He just stood there with the small box tightly clutched in his hand...

Holding it tightly and guiltily...

"Akira...?" He called my name as he fearfully walked towards my body. My soul just stood there and watched him... 
"I'm sorry... " He whispered as tears rolled down his eyes...

He hugged my lifeless body to his chest...

But I could no longer feel the warmth...

I felt my eyes water at what I had just heard... unconsciously...

No I love yous
Just sorry...
No forgive me...
Nor please stay with me...

What is he even sorry for?

For me dying...

Or for not loving me?

"I love you... " I whispered before I turned away...

I guess...
I'll stay around for a long time...
My business would never ever get done...
I haven't done what I was supposed to do...
I'm gonna stay between life and death forever...

Waiting for the day... where we would meet again...


A/N: I have short ideas that I had compiled in my drafts so I thought that I would create a oneshot compilation for them starting this year. I don't feel like starting a new chaptered fic so I decided to do this.

I hope you like this sad christmas story... although it was late... 

The song is my inspiration for this fic. It would be better if you'll listen to the song while reading.


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