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The next morning Duke got up and went down stairs to the the kitchen. He started cooking breakfast when his mom walks down stairs and sat on the couch. "Morning baby did you sleep good sweetie" she asked as he brought her a cup of coffee. "Here you go mom I fixed you some coffee" he said as he hands it to her. She sips the coffee "thanks sweetie I love it" she said as continue sipping on the coffee. He finished cooking breakfast and took his mom her plate. "Here mom your breakfast bacon, eggs, and toast just the way you like it" he said as he hands her the plate. They started eating peacefully until the phone rang. It was Jack calling to see if Duke told her about the fight "hey Emma did your son tell you about where he got the bruises from" he asked. "Yeah Jack he told me" she said calmly. "Good well I need to talk to him away about finding a spair mustang if he's going to race at the big race for this year" he replied. "No no no he is not racing this year or next year or the year after" she yelled angrily. "Come on Emma it's the boys birth right every man in our family raced in the hyper race every year" he replied. "DUKE YOUR UNCLE WANT YOU" she yelled. He walk over and grabs the phone "hey uncle Jack" he said as his went back to eating. They talked for a few minutes before Duke hong up the phone. "You can race in the hyper race this year but you gotta promise me two things" she said. "Ok momma what are they" he asked as he walked back to the couch. "First give me a ticket to watch you race and second don't get hurt" she replied. He smiled and nodded "I promise mama I won't get hurt and you got the first ticket" he said with a joyful voice. He finished eating and went out to the garage and got in his car. He pulled out the driveway and drove off down the street. "Wow this engine sounds great" he said driving down the street. He pulled up to a red light and stop Tony pulls up beside him in his 57 Chevy Bel air. "You got skills with your hands army boy but do you got skills behind the wheel of a car" he asked as he revs his engine. Duke didn't pay him any attention and revved his engine twice. Tony didn't know Duke had a v12 rumbler engine under the hood. The light turned green Tony took off speeding down the street. Duke pulled off knowing the sheriff was was on traffic duty again. He drove pass Tony as the sheriff was giving him a ticket for speeding. He drove to the shop and pulled in the garage and parked in his work bay. "Morning uncle Jack"he said as he got out the car. "Old Tony got another ticket today" he said walk over to the office to put his keys on the wall. Jong look and shook his head "wow that's the second one this week let he tried to race you" he replied with a smile. Duke nodded as sat down "yeah but I saw the sheriff sitting at the the corner down the street" he said as his uncle walks in the office. "Hey Duke that was your auntie on the phone" he said. They sat and talked until a customer came in need car repairs on her truck. "Can we help you ma'am" they said as they stood. The lady told the her truck was having some problems with the engine. Duke checked it and her engine wouldn't start up right away. She went in the office with Duke as he wrote her a estimate on her truck. She signed it and he signed it as the person who was working on it. She called a cab and left then Duke pulled the truck in the garage. He started working on it after a few minutes he had the engine out and on the work bench working on it. An couple of hours later he finished working on and put it back in the truck. He started and it cranked right up "good as new, now I need to call that girl to pick it up" he said. He went in the office and called the girl who owned the truck. "Hello" she answered "hi this is Duke I finished on your truck and ready for pick up" he replied. They hong up and Duke waited for her to pick up the truck. A couple hours later the owner of the truck came she walked to the office. She payed and Duke gave her the keys and a receipt. The girl got in her truck and left. "Ok cuz let's go get your spair car" he said as they walked to the truck. They got in the truck and left they drove down the street for a few miles. Jong stopped at a red light and the girl pulled up beside them. Duke looked over and waved then the light had changed she pulled off. They drove to the junkyard as they arrived they notice that the junkyard owner was talking to the sheriff. The park the truck and got out "I'll be with you in a minute" he said. They sat down and waited "you think he might have and older model of the mustang" he asked. Jong shrugged as he didn't know after a couple of minutes the old man walked in "what can I do for you boys" he said. They looked at him "we need a list of Ford'sthey said as they stood up. The old man printed out the list and gave it to them. They walked around the junkyard for a few hours they found four cars a 07 charger, 08 magnum, 10 camaro, and a 09 mustang. They looked at them and they took the 09 mustang. "That's the one" he said pointing to the 09 mustang. They went back to the old man and payed for the mustang. They tow the car back to the shop and began working on it. They worked for hours until lunch time and Jack ordered their favorite pizza. The pizza came Jack payed for it and they ate. After a few minutes of resting they started back working on the car. They finished the body work and it was time to close. Duke got in his car and went home while Jack locked up. Duke pulled in the driveway and parked his car in the garage. Hey got put and went in the house "mom I'm home" he said as he walks up to his room and layed across the bed. His mom walk in his room and pulled his shoe off and covered him up. She kissed his forehead and went to her room. She layed down and fell asleep as well they slept peacefully. The next morning Jong came over to get Duke who was snoring louder than a cement truck's engine. "Duke, Duke, Duke wake up dude" he said as he looked at him. Emma came up to his room "any luck Jong" she asked as Jong shook his head no. She walked over to Duke's head and keeled down "this should wake him" she said as she lights a cigarette. She takes a puff of the cigarette and blows the smoke in his face. He slowly reacts to it and slowly gets up "mom no smoking in school" he said with drool on his face. She laughed at him "we are not in school sweetie we are at home" she said as she took another puff off the cigarette. She blow the smoke up in the air as Duke sat up on the side of the bed. "You let get to work sleeping beauty" he said as he stood up. Duke and Jong kisses each side of Emma's cheeks as they ran out the front door. "By boys be good and don't get in any trouble" she said standing in the door way still smoking her cigarette. Duke hopped in his car and Jong hopped in his dad's truck. The pulled off with the tires screeching up the street as they drove off speeding out the neighbor hood. They drove down the street speeding cuz the sheriff wasn't on traffic duty the day. They they flew right pass Tony 57 Chevy not paying any attention. A few miles down the street the pulled into the shop and parked. Jack looked at the as the got out of their rides "you two are late" he said with a up setting voice. They ran in the shop at the same time "we know" they said as the went over to the mustang. They started working on the rest of the stuff for the car. Duke put the engine and transmission in the car and hooks the wires up then start it up. The car ran great "get it in the paint booth" he said as he popped Duke up side the head. He got in the car and backed it into the paint booth. The Jong walk in and got set up for painting the car. Duke sat on the hood of his car as Jong painted his spair car. A few hours passed and the car was ready all that was left to do was rims and tires. Duke found the same rims and tires he had on his other mustang. "Ok Jong jack it up and let's put these rims on" he said as he finished put the tires on the rims. They both took a side of the car and put the rims on each side then let the car down. "She is all ready to go cuz" he said as he gave Duke a high five. After hours of work it was time to go home Duke hopped in his car and left. He drove home pulling into the driveway and parking in the garage. He went into the house "mom I'm home" he said going to the fridge getting him a cold soda and going to his room. He finished his soda and layed down. He fell asleep watching old videos of his dad racing.

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