Chapter Fifty-seven

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'The light is holding them off...' Varellna explained as the creatures stood like frozen statues around us.

Sebastien stood and ran shakily towards his brother. Arwel clutched his hand to the back of Sebastien's neck, sweating from his fever and shaking from the cold. He searched every detail and line of Sebastien's face and drank it in with awe.

'Brother,' Sebastien kissed his forehead before tentatively lifting back the shawl. Numerous cuts and bruises decorated his white skin where the swords of soldiers had slashed at him. His feet were bloody.

Ignoring Arwel's protestations, he replaced the shawl and beckoned Rosa forth. 'Girl, calm him,' he ordered.

She placed Arwel's head in her lap and he was instantly soothed. He pulled her hand to his mouth and planted a dozen kisses upon it. She sniffed, attempting to stop happy tears from falling, but she could not hide her joy. I smiled despite my exhaustion.

Sebastien held out his palms over his brother's feet, whispering animatedly under his breath, closing his eyes tightly. Varellna appeared at my side and walked me closer. Together we watched as powdery blue light softly emanated from Sebastien's hands and pooled tranquilly around Arwel's feet. Before our eyes they healed perfectly, the light spreading up the body to stitch the welts together and dissolve the bruises.

'Perdition...' Varellna hissed in surprise.

All I could taste was the bitterness of Sebastien's betrayal in my mouth. He could use magic. All this time.

'Valla?' Arwel called, now fully healed. Rosa wrapped him in the blanket and Sebastien helped him to sit. I approached slowly, determined not to look at my husband. The husband who had castigated me for months for what I was. He was a hypocrite and a liar.

'I didn't believe you. I thought that you had deceived me. You have my sincere thanks.' He looked to Rosa, who beamed at me. 'I owe you a great debt. I hope to repay it.'

'You owe me nothing,' I answered coldly.

Arwel raised an eyebrow, but persisted.

'I will uphold my side of the bargain.' He was as stubborn as his brother. 'Her name was Astrid. You met her spirit in the tower. Astrid was your mother, Valla.'

I swallowed the lump in my throat and attempted to remain calm, but my heart began to beat wildly in my chest. I wasn't prepared.

'Will you hear me out this time? Will you accept what I want to pass on to you?'

I nodded gently.

'She was desperate for me to pass on a message, a message to her daughter. She wanted me to tell you that she loved you so very much, and that she never wanted to be parted from you,' I could not stifle the weak sob that wrenched itself from my lips. Sebastien made to touch my arm, but I shrugged him off and nodded at Arwel to continue as my lip quivered.

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