Chapter Twenty-One - The Beast

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Rosa had been right. The key was enchanted. It refused to cooperate and unlock the manacles that held her. She nestled against the wall and curled up in defeat, shutting him out.

He had waited until the sun had sunk in the sky before going out to the balcony to undergo the transformation. The pain that he felt course through his body was nothing compared to the pain within - he had never experienced feelings like that before. He looked out into the darkening sky as the pale moon began to reveal itself. I'll do what any self-respecting beast should do... I'll run away from any kind of feeling that I can't understand. Hunger, fear and fatigue I can deal with, but this...

He took to the skies as soon as the aching in his bones had subsided, conscious of her eyes piercing his back. It took a great effort to leave her there, chained to the wall. She could have been his. He made sure to extend his black wings to their full potential in front of her. She should know what she is dealing with, he thought bitterly.

The warm evening air delicately ruffled his fur, drying some of the excess saliva that was dripping from his gash of a mouth and the echo of Rosa's words were ringing in his ears as he flew, encouraging him to go further and faster than ever before. He roared into the sky around him as it darkened and watched as the lights of a small village came into view. He landed roughly, leaving enough distance so that he wouldn't be seen or attacked, like the last time. His local hunting ground had become more and more protected. People such as the hunter who had shot him were cunning.

'What are you doing here, sweet one?' the husky voice floated through the darkness, forcing a shudder down his spine as anger rose within him.

'Mauden,' he growled and paced on all fours towards her.

She was stood with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her ruby red lips. 'Disobedient lamb!' she began playfully. 'I found your trinket still cuffed in the tower... in one piece. I was very disappointed,' she ridiculed him.

He let out a low snarl and took another step closer. 'She is mine, to do with as I please, you will not touch her,' he bellowed, as several rabbits leaped out across the grass in response to his feral moan.

Mauden's black eyes sparkled with bitterness. 'Sweet one,' she laughed deep within her throat, 'I have something for you. It may ease your frustrations.'

She flicked her hand and a middle-aged woman appeared before her, facing the beast, her mouth gagged and her hands bound. As soon as the woman laid eyes upon the beast before her, she let out a muffled scream and her eyes widened in terror. The beast sniffed in distrust.

'I was naughty, wasn't I? Cuffing your woman up like that. I owe you an apology. Here it is.' She flicked her hand in the air again and the bonds disappeared from the woman's wrists. Her captive instinctively tore the gag away and ran as fast as could towards the village. The beast snarled, powerless to his instincts. He lowered his body until he could feel the patchy grass tickling the fur on his belly.

'You don't have long, sweet one. Run!' she whispered teasingly.

Before he could talk himself out of it he was galloping on the dusty ground, chasing the scent of the woman as her light blonde hair stirred in the wind. He chuckled in pleasure, increasing his speed and stretching out his neck, his tongue straining to grasp her.

She risked a look back, and he saw that her face still bore her youth. She was attractive. Her eyes were wide, blue and frightened, but he saw exhilaration in them. He lunged with his forked tongue which wound itself around the web of her blonde hair. She fell backwards.

He allowed her to scramble to her feet and attempt to run from him, enjoying the chase. The desolate lands of Kralken gave her nowhere to hide.

As she slowed with exhaustion, he flew above, directing the woman away from the village until her legs began to struggle from fright and adrenaline. The beast slowly lowered himself upon her, pushing her face down onto the ground, his large paws caging her. He nestled his horned head near hers.

She lay prone in her panic, but she did not scream or call for help. Her lips moved with words unspoken. He strained to listen to her whispers, her body frozen in fear. It was then that he noticed her passion, her desire to live, to deliver her message. Death will do that to the hunted, he reflected.

Without hesitation, he took his sharp claw and he slit her throat. The shine of her blue eyes dulled as he finally understood her last words. Somehow, he knew that those words were important. He watched as her face slackened, the beauty gone.

With his sharp teeth, he made short work of her simple dress and began his meal, finally satisfying the angry, gnawing hunger within him, though her final words still flitted around in his mind like ash dancing in the wind. 

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