Why You Break Up

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Regina 👑:

You had met tinkerbell and she had told you how Robin and Regina were meant to be together. This broke your heart, you couldn't beat fate. You started getting more distant and suddenly just stopped talking to her, you wanted her to be happy and eith the person she's meant to be with, not realizing how much you were hurting her because of how much it hurt you

Emma 👮‍♀️:

When Hook comes into play is where the problems began, they started getting very close and you being the good girlfriend you were wasn't jealous especially because you were a firm believer that a guy and a girl can be friends without catching feelings, not everything is romance but for this exact situation you were wrong apparently. You could see Hook wanted her and so you went to talk to her because you know communication is key. You weren't jealous you just wanted to make sure that Emma knew that sometimes you wouldget uncomfortable and to tell Hook that he shouldn't flirt with her but of course this came off the wrong way for her no matter how sweetly you said it and took it way wrong which ended up in an argument as she thought you were trying to control who she was friends with. In the end she ended up saying thag if you couldn't trust her then you shouldn't be with her, though she immediately regretted her words once she finally saw the tears in your eyes but you left to go to your sister before she could speak, you knew Ruby would be there for you.

Zelena 👠:

Oh trust me! It's not by choice! Y'all love each other way to much and honestly since you've known eachother for so long and gone through a lot nothing can break you guys apart, except when the curse happened or she got sent back to Oz. You'll do everything you can to get back to her, and at first the heros don't help you because theg don't think Zelena deserves happiness but then realize that you need her too so they try their best to help you

Ruby 🐺:

You were out on the full moon trying to find ruby and out of nowhere you got pushed to the ground with a wolf growling at you, it was ruby, you had fear in your eyes which then made ruby realize who you were, she was ashamed of herself and when sh turned back she wouldn't talk to you, she just felt so guilty and thought you deserved better and decided that it was too dangerrto love her

Snow 🗡:

Her relationship with David, it almost seemed like she would rather be with him than you, she would look at him like he was the love of her life, of course when you brought this up she immediately denied it and defended him. You tried to make her see it from your point of view but she wasnt having it. She left the apartment and went to ( you guessed it) David's house. While you cried about how it seemed she chose your brother over you. You ignored her from that point on, but it seemed like she wasn't even bothered by it.

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