When They Feel Clingy

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Regina Mills 👑:

- Constantly watching over you

- Takes you out of conversations with friends saying it's "important business"

- Will not let you leave her sight or grip for that matter

- Bakes a lot of treats for you

- Will also deny that she's clingy but you can see right through it

- Forces you to cuddle her (even though you wouldn't need to be forced)

- If you have responsibilities and work she'll just use her magic to get it done so she can spend more time with you

- She's a whiner, like god, you never thought you'd see the day where you heard Regina Mills whine

- Practically smothers you with kisses and hugs

- If anybody ever points out she was being clingy she'd probably have their head

Emma Swan 👮‍♀️:

- She's the type to not show it, at least not completely

- Since she's a cop she knows she can't be with you 24/7 but after she's done with work she'll wordlessly drag you home and make you watch her favorite tv shows with her

- You are not allowed to complain, this woman has a taser for crying out loud

- She'll stop by you job and bring you food constantly and then leave immediately

- When she's clingy she isn't much of a talker but you can tell she is

- She hates that she gets clingy, miss independent over here is so used to being on her own and not needing anyone it probably freaks her out

- You of course understand her struggle to commit and be in a relationship so you don't force anything out of her or tease her

- If you tease her about being clingy, you better have fast reflexes cause you're likely getting punched

Zelena 👠:

- She won't even say anything just subtly become more protective and always be near you

- She would have to be touching you in some way, whether it be holding your hand or waist or even just your shoulders touching

- she'll randomly pull you away from whatever you're doing, it doesn't matter, you're going to spend time with her

- She won't admit immediately but eventually you'll get it out of her

- Your presence just comforts her, she's so used to never having anything and having you to herself is something she cherishes

- You know this, and its actually what caused you to plan a tradition to annually have date nights or just days to yourselves and to just have each other

- she always looks forward too it and never forgets nor cancels

Ruby Lucas 🐺:

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