People's Reaction To You Dating

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Thank you @justapotato666 for requesting this sorry took so long but thanks for the request, enjoy!

Also sorry these are long as hell, once I just start writing a certain way I don't stop.

Regina Mills 👑:

They definitely were in for a shock. I mean, come on, the evil queen and a commoner. Not something anybody in the whole enchanted forest saw coming. People would secretly speak about how she was probably using you for something or how you'd end up dead in a week, but nobody dared speak of it publicly knowing that they'd most likely be beheaded and wouldn't survive the night.

Emma Swan 👮‍♀️: Honestly nobody really cared, well they cared of course and were happy for you but they didn't really react in a surprised way. They all saw how you were with each other and knew you wouldn't hurt each other so when you announced the news to close friends and family and word traveled through the whole town, mostly people were just relieved that you finally got together.

Of course Ruby gave the mandatory scary talk to Emma that if she were to hurt you, she would be her frist meal next time she turned which made Emma raise her eyebrow at her but nodded her head knowing Ruby wasn't one to fuck with and would do as promised
As for granny she was happy you found someone and also gave Emma a bit of a talk that involved a mention of a possible crossbow where an arrow would go through her head if she were to hurt you but in the end she was a lot easier on her than Ruby

Zelena 👠:

For the first many yesrs of your relationship nobody knew at all. Especially not her dad. And when you moved to OZ you didn't want to be apart of the whole evil scheme so she kept you out of it. But in storybrooke when you finally confessed on your relationship when she had been banished to OZ they didn't even believe you at first until Regina saw you and Zelena had matching necklaces, she had recognized it on your after seeing it on zelena's. They thought of using you to their advantage but you refused and just wanted to go to OZ to see her again.

They eventually realized how in love you were although they didn't see Zelena's side through you telling stories of your life together they knew you guys loved each other a lot and eventually were comfortable with the idea and helping you get to OZ

Ruby Lucas 🐺 :

Her grandmother absolutely adored you, back in the enchanted forest and even more so in storybrooke, she always kinda knew because she knows everything yk, but besides her people were skeptical about it, the Hunter and the wolf, you weren't a werewolf hunter just a regular one, a really good regular one but once they saw you guys and how much you loved each other they would be more surprised if you broke up
When her grandmother found out you were a hunter back in the enchanted forest she gave you a talk to "don't hurt my grandbaby unless you want to be her next meal" of course you explained to her you never hurt werewolves you honestly loved them, having met some before you understood they couldn't control what they were and still skeptical of you her grandmother eased up a bit

Snow White 🗡:

Honestly people weren't as shocked but more confused. They all thought that she was dating David since she would always reference her love as charming so they assumed it him. Also because he was "technically" Emma's dad but you were able to get a witch (an old friend of yours) to put his dna in snow with a sample of (yk) but yeah you had to explain all of that to everyone and emma and how you were her mother as well

People were happy for you though they thought your relationship was sweet and cute and let's just say Emma was more happy that you were her parent and not david, she definitely liked you better which made you feel great

Drizella 🐍:

At first your mother was skeptical but when she was training drizella she got more ok with the relationship and was glad you fell in love with someone who loved you back and could protect you. But when drizella turnes to the evil side, she wanted you to stop seeing her

You were still deeply in love with Drizella and although you knew your mother was right you couldn't stop seeing her. And your mother after A LOT of convincing gave you her blessing but not after a very strongly worded chat with drizella that if she hurt you, she'd see why they called her the evil queen. Drizella scared shitless agreed.

As for other people they didn't really know much about drizella just warned you to be careful since they didn't have any information to make any assumptions about your relationship which was nice.

Belle 📚:

People adored the two of you. They were just glad she wasn't with Gold because that would have been very toxic. But you guys were the cutest couple in town and nobody could deny it.

They thought you two were perfect for each other. Two smart and strong girls that have so much in common, come on how could they not.

Although Gold's reaction was complicated. He loved her but he also loved you. He raised you as his own, and you definitely reminded him a lot of Belfire when you were growing up and he wanted you to be happy. But he was also selfish and wanted happiness for himself so he just chose to ignore it for a while. Soon though he began to realize just how good for each other you two were and he slowly came around.

And although he would never admit it out loud. He definitely loved you two and thought you guys were adorable.

He would still love Belle but as years passed it became in a protective friend way. He would do anything for the two of you.

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