How You Make Up

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Regina 👑: She eventually realized what had happened and first went to Tinkerbell to give her a piece of her mind and afterwards got you a teddy bear and some food showed up at your house and as soon as you opened the door she walked in and put the stuff down and hugged with all her might, you were confused but hugged back nonetheless. She told you she knew what happened and you felt ashamed and hurt but she just reassured you that Robin didn't matter to her and that you were the love of her life. You told her you couldn't beat fate but she just hushed you and told you how she literally was the evil queen and now a good person, they've beat fate time and time again and this wouldn't be an exception, this made you smile and she soent the day with you making sure you knew she loved you and only you with all her heart

Emma 👮‍♀️: Emma just needed to cool down and sfter immediately knew she was wrong, she was just so in the moment and was already having a bad day. She understood where you were coming from having Hook flirt with her a few times, so she ordered your favorite food and went and apologized, you were kinda mad at her for flipping out like that only wanting go have a civil conversation and she apotonce again, of course you forgave her, it was just one bad argument that got out of hand which happens. She decided she was gonna take you out to show everyone that you're hers even that one armed pirate to which you agreed laughing at what she called him.

Zelena 👠: The heros had finally found a way because somebody had an extra magic bean and when they threw it the portal finally opened. You said your goodbyes already and went to find your love. You didn't know much about Oz since it has been a while since you've been here but you know where the castle is and that all that matters. So you started making your way to the castle and when you finally got there you rang the door bell, the door was opened by a stightly angry Zelena but all that anger went away as soon as she saw you, she ran into your arms and cried as did you. You were both happy to be together again

Ruby 🐺: She hadn't shown up to work and didn't talk to anyone and this time you've had it. You marched straight to her room and knocked, knowing you wouldn't get much of an answer you thankfully had some good lock picking skills. You opened the door and found Ruby laying on the bed tear stained cheeck, pale asf and the sight almost made you cry, she looked at you immediately and got offf the bed backing away from you and said you needed to stay away but you just ran to her and held her, of course she tried to push you way but didn't have the strength and eventually caved in your embrace and kept apologizing but you would just whisper that you were ok and that she was gonna be ok, after that she was still a little skeptical of hurting you and didn't trust herself but eventually got more comfortable and showed her you trusted her and that she couldn't hurt you

Snow 🗡: Of course after she went to David she was ranting about how immature you were being and David had to explain how your entire life has been people choosing people over you. Its not that you didn't trust her but you were just scared and was bad at communicating it. After this she realized how stupid she was being and the fact that not only did she yell at you but was at the person who made you feel second's housd. She immediately went back to yours and she found the lights off and went inside. Only to find you passed out on your bed and tear stains on your cheek, she went and laid down with you and decided to talk it out in the morning, which you did and she listened this time, from now on you guys tried to understand and listen better to each other which was good

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