How/When They Realize They Like You

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sorry for not updating much, kinda forgot about this book gonna be honest but I'm trying to go back and keep updating so enjoy! - Teddy 💖

Regina Mills 👑: She realized she liked you almost immediately. When she accepted that she liked you is a whole other thing. But it's when you would talk together and you wouldn't talk to her as if she was some evil person but instead a normal person. She cherished your talks cause it made her feel like the world was different and she didn't have to be the evil queen, just Regina.

Emma Swan 👮‍♀️: She realized she liked you when you were hanging out with henry and getting ice cream with him. She had to work and you volunteered to babysit and while on the job she saw how you were with Henry and how much you care for him and how much he enjoyed hanging out with you. It then she knew, you were the one.

Zelena 👠: She realized she liked you when she would anticipate your meetings in the woods when y'all were very young. She would constantly start to give you little gifts that you adored and also showing you her magic. She wanted to impress you all the time but knew she didn't need to because of you constantly telling her so.

Ruby Lucas 🐺 : Ruby's an oblivious baby, she wasn't the one who realized she liked you but it was snow. She saw how Ruby looked at you and heard the way she spoke of you. So snow pulled her aside trying to get her to realize her feelings but then gave up and just straight up told Ruby that she obviously liked you. She denied it at first but then realized snow was right and Ruby was absolutely terrified of embarrassing herself and you possibly not liking her back but snow calmed her down and said she would help her get you.

Snow White 🗡: She realized when she helped get David's ring back and tried it on. You had told her she looked good in a ring and she blushed but gave the ring back. When you left with you brother after that, it hit her like a ton of bricks to the face. She liked you. And you had just walked off without knowing if you two would ever reunite. This made her sad but then she realized that she is Snow Fucking White and she could find you if she wanted and she most certainly would.

Drizella 🐍: She also didn't realize she liked you but Regina did. Regina had been training her realized Drizella would constantly ask about you and new she liked you. She brought it up to her but Drizella denied it a lot due to her not being used to being in this position. But soon after much convincing she accepted it. She liked you. A lot. She was terrified of the fact she liked you so much and went into a panic attack which Regina with wide eyes helped her through. Regina, although your mother, acted as a mother figure towards Drizella and pushed her to ask you out telling her that you both deserved to be happy.

Belle 📚: She realized when you two were having your break time, a time you set aside after doing what you needed where you would just sit and read. She looked up at you and saw you very invested in the story in front of you and she knew. Belle had always been a smart and headstrong girl so she knew exactly the moment she fell for you. She decided then and there that nothing was gonna hold her back from getting you.

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