Scarlet's pov
I wake up early and glare at the ceiling as I felt my tangled hair, which I had fallen asleep with wet. I groan as I sit up and I dress quickly in my black cargo pants and big faded green shirt. I brush my teeth and pull my messy hair back, once again thankful for it's curliness, able to blame my bad hair problem on that.
Jordan pounds on my door and I shout, "Stop that!"
"Mum wants you downstairs!" She yells back. I hear her stomp down the hall. I rub my face and my eyes to rub the rest of my sleepiness off. I grab my battered black sneakers, my backpack, and phone. I hate carrying around a phone and Jordan loves to remind me that I need it in case she's kidnapped. I told her that I didn't care if she was kidnapped and she had cried, that had been years ago. The kidnapper probably wouldn't be able to stand her and would pay us back when they handed her along.
I open my door and find myself standing in front of mom, "Afraid I wasn't coming out or something?"
"You were taking a while." Her brown eyes were stern.
"Jordan just came up the stairs screaming at me. I don't think I'm too late." I swiftly move past her and down the hall. I hear her sigh, closing my door and following me. "I want to be late for school though. I am not excited about that."
Mom chuckles at me and hurries her pace to match mine. "Jordan is excited to start school today."
"Of course she is." I mumble under my breath. "Slut."
Mom's gaze turned serious, "You shouldn't be so mean to her."
"Why?" I ask curiously. She was a brat, I was just giving her a taste of her own medicine.
"She is your sister. After I'm gone, she's all you'll have left."
I groan and resist the urge to hit my head against the wall. "I know mom, she's just a brat."
She shook her head. "I'll get you breakfast and your waiting at the bus stop."
"The bus?" I ask stupidly. "But I can drive."
She smirks, "Oh I know. But I have a job interview today and I need it to drive. Jordan has to ride it too, don't worry." She teases lightly.
Great, I get to ride the bus on my first day to Seaside High.
The bus came and it took about twenty minutes to reach the school, which was a bit disappointing. I didn't mind the low building but I clench my fist on the strap of my backpack and pull the hood of my black hoodie up.
Jordan went off to go talk to some random people and I went straight to the office and handed the lady there a slip. "Scarlet Green." I said slowly.
The lady gave me a rude one over look and sniffs, like what I'm wearing is distasteful. My cheek twitches in irritation as she got into the system and prints my schedule. Like I expected, most of my classes were advanced and with the seniors.
The lady gives me a dirty look and I glare at her and stick my tongue out disrespectfully. She looks shocked and I leave before I can get into trouble.
My first class was with a teacher named "Mr. Nibsy." I believe he was a history teacher and I stop at my locker and grab my books out of my backpack and shove it in my locker before closing the door.
People are milling the halls and most of them ignore me and I gladly ignore them until somebody rudely rips my hood off my head. I spin around and see a girl with white blonde hair and blue eyes. I adjust my glasses on my face and frown at her. "Can I help you?"
Her eyes narrow at my stiff tone and she gets in my face, which is a bad idea on her part. I straightened my back and I seem to tower over the girl but she doesn't back down. Jordan and another blonde girl were standing behind her and only Jordan looks worried. She knows what I can do and she doesn't want to have her new best friend hurt.
She raises a pale brow at me and I raise one in return. Mocking her. "This is my school, you better mind yourself."
I smirk, a not at all friendly smirk that had made people in London back off. "You better watch who your threatening. Got it Barbie?" I slam my elbow into her side and she tumbles back into Jordan's grip.
Jordan glares at me and I glare back. "You too brat. I live with you so your not so lucky." I lean over the stupid popular girl in her grasp and drop my voice to a whisper. "The school can't stop me brat. Remember that." I back away and look at everybody watching me. I catch a pair of gray eyes and he's standing back with his friends who you might call the "bad boys" in the school and I grin viciously at him and stalk off to my next class.
My first few periods were slower than ever but finally I was in my last class. I hadn't eaten lunch with anyone since I never hang out with anyone. My last class happens to be weight training, there are popular girls that only seem to be able to giggle as they stare at the guys and I roll my eyes each time one of them lets loose a breathy giggle.
Apparently here you were allowed to workout without a shirt and I got some strange looks from the guys and girls, which I ignore because I don't care what they think about me. There was one girl that was actually doing something and I stationed myself by her.
I added about sixty pounds to the forty-five pound bar. The guys were looking at me like I have lost it and I try to keep my expression neutral. I lay back on the bench and grip the bar and I bring it to my chest. Some of the guys have stopped to watch me and I ignore them. The girl next to me put her bar up and scoots out and looks at me impressively. "Good. I don't even think Jared could lift that much."
After about my fortieth I set the bar back and sat up. "I don't really care what Jared can do."
"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Willow."
I purse my lips and reluctantly held out my hand. "I'm Scarlet."
She smiles and her eyes look at my hair. "I would've assumed it was Rose. With your rose colored hair."
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Yeah, but it's Scarlet."
She leans forward, "Want to be my friend? I have others but I've never had a friend like you."
I can't help scoffing. "You don't even know me." I lean my elbows on my knees as I look at her. "Why all interested in being my friend now?"
She cocks her head and her curly brown hair tumbles down her face. "Your new and clearly you don't like people. Also, you stood up to Penny. Nobody in their right mind would stand up to Queen Bee around here." Her lip quirks into a smile. "Or Barbie as you say. It was pretty impressive."
I try to keep the scowl off my face. "I didn't do it to impress anybody. My sister has already befriended the popular girl already. She probably told her I was going to be a problem since I don't care about listening to anyone."
Willow smiles, "I hear you. My group isn't as bad as you'd think. You should come and hang out with us. Penny might not mess with you anymore."
I give her a look and she starts laughing. "I seriously doubt that."
"You're correct. She might actually hate you more for that because she likes Jared, like everyone around here, and you hanging out with him would make her royally pissed off at you."
I smile without wanting to and Willow looks pleased with herself. "I'll think about it. I've never been a big fan of hanging around people. I also don't think I'm good around people, 'cause I know I have a serious attitude problem."
She smiles, "Nah, I think the boys would love you hanging around. You practically act like one and aren't like Penny. I only just met you but I like you already, your cool and don't seem afraid to state your opinion. It's a fine quality."
I grin at her and for the first time since London I feel like I might be happy here.

The New Girl From London
RomanceScarlet just wants to be left alone and finish high school as she moved away from her home. People at her old school saw her as odd and she only had two best friends that were left back in London when she moved. She is forced into a new school being...