Weeks Later

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Scarlet's pov

Jared and I have been acting more together after the party and Willow can't stop smiling. She knows something happened at the party. 

His friends are all teasing him at the lunch table as soon as we sit down. It's been about five weeks since the party and I still haven't kissed Jared in public. I think him and I have come to an agreement that the relationship we have is going to stay private.

I've never understood high schoolers need to make out in the hall where everyone is. I hide a small smile as Jared's hand brushes my thigh. We're in science and the new seating arrangement sits us by each other. 

Mrs. Cassidy is writing up on the board and explaining our assignment. Jared's closer than he needs to be and it helps that our seats are in the back of the room, one of the reasons he wants to keep our kissing and cuddling private is because he's afraid his sister is going to go to our parents. Mom would have a talk I don't really want.

His second reason is because he still believes my dad is still around and will use it to his advantage. When he had explained his reasons I had agreed. I didn't want my mom to have a conversation with me and I didn't want my stalker dad using Jared as bait or something.

I hide a laugh with a light cough, I think sometimes I read to many books. Jared looks over at me and places his hand on my thigh and I can feel my skin tingle. Heat races up my leg and I squirm as I feel the same heat in my stomach. 

Jared grins and rubs my thigh teasingly as he looks back up at the teacher. I twirl my pencil around my fingers when Jared slides his hand up and I nearly gasp aloud. I shoot him a look and he grins slowly. 

I really wish in that moment that we aren't at school so I can kiss him. It isn't as if we haven't at school, it's just that we kiss in empty classrooms and halls. Definitely had done more than just kiss, but I wasn't getting laid at school. I'm still a virgin and Jared is and respects my wishes. I know a couple times we have been close but he has put a stop to it quickly. 

But during class or something, he would tease me with him putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing his fingers against the inside of my leg. He knows it drives me nuts. 

I swallow nervously and try to pay attention to what the teachers saying as Jared seems to get bolder and I stop his hand before he can move it higher. "Stop." I hiss, trying not to catch the classes attention.

His gray eyes are glittering mischievously, "Am I making you nervous?" 

"I can't have you touching me like that in class. I'm going to lose it." I bite my lip and watch as his eyes darken. 

"Want to come over after school?" Jared's voice is rough and his grip on my thigh is hard. 

I make sure the teacher still has her back turned, "Is your sister going to be home?" 

He shakes his head. "She's hanging out with Jordan this afternoon. Does that mean you'll come over?" 

I look at him through my lashes and run my tongue over my bottom lip, loving the way his eyes darken more and follow the movement. "Yeah, we can do that." 


After school ended, Jared slings his leg over the back of my bike and I shake my head at him. 

"Would you ever want to learn how to ride?"  I inquire as I sit in front of him. 

"As long as you can ride I don't think I'll have to worry about that." He puts his arms loosely around my waist. "We should go." 

I grin as I put my helmet on, "You're eager." 

"Nah, just..." He trails off and presses a kiss to my shoulder. "Excited." 

I snort, "Much better."

He braces his legs against mine and tightens his grip around my waist. "Plus, you're a fantastic kisser." 

"I thought I was your first kiss." I tease lightly.

"You are, which is why I can't imagine anyone being able to kiss as well as you." I smile and start the bike. Before the engine starts running, Jared adds. "Also your just so damn sexy compared to all the other girls. Scars and all." 

I feel my cheeks heat up and speed out of the parking lot. 

As I pull I up to my house I notice something off. All the lights in the house are off and the door isn't closed. Jared goes tense behind me and I hop off the bike. "Somethings wrong." 

He makes a move to grab the back of my jacket but I dodge easily out of his grip. "You shouldn't go inside. That's just stupid." 

I glare at him, "My mom might be home. I need to check it out." I push open the door and cringe as the door squeals on the hinges. It has never done that. I pause and crouch, examining the door frame. I grab my phone and dial moms number. 

Jared's looking around anxiously as I run my finger over the busted lock. Mom picks up and I sigh in relief. "Scarlet, what's up honey?" 

"You're not at home right?" 

Mom's voice changes immediately. "I'm at work. Are you at the house?" 

I stand and look down the dark hall, "Yes. We keep the hall light on all the time and the doors busted. All the lights are off."

"Don't go inside, go over to Jared's because I assume he's with you. I'll be home soon." 

"Okay," I hear myself saying without actually meaning it. 

I feel Jared pluck the phone out of my hand and he starts talking. I ignore him and slip inside. I hear him swear and end the call with mom.

I reach the end of the hall and flick the light on. I notice prints on the hardwood are too big to be mine, my mom's, or Jordan's. I drop my bag on the ground and go into the living room. Jared's still swearing at me but he's not doing anything to stop me.

He knows that I'll fight him on it. Nothing looks different in the living room and I follow the footsteps that lead up the stairs.

Jared hisses behind me, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" 

"Shut up." I snap quietly. I can hear muffled foot falls above me and I go back downstairs and go into moms room. I look around cautiously and feel under her mattress until I feel the cold hard press of her gun under my fingers. 

I cock it and make sure it's loaded as I creep up the stairs. I try to make myself as silent as possible when I get to the second floor. Jordan's door is closed but my door is wide open. I hold the gun in front of me and I can feel Jared's body behind me, or rather his tension. 

I press myself against the wall as I see a light being turned on in my bathroom. I slowly pad into my room and my heart feels like it's trying to beat out of my chest. I point the gun at the darkly clothed person in my bathroom and say loudly. "Turn around and show me your hands or I will shoot you." 

The person turns around and I nearly drop the gun as she turns around. 

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