Monday Part 2

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Scarlet's pov

We reach the place where I assume the team does boxing and the tryouts, and Jared, being the perfect gentleman he was, tosses me my bag after I exit the car. 

I follow him into the low brick building and nearly trip on the broken stair. Jared catches me and for once I don't tense up. I pull back and hope my face isn't as red as it feels. Thankfully it was dark so he can't see my face. 

His breath is warm on my face as he whispers. "Careful, people have made fools of themselves on that pesky stair." 

"I'll consider myself warned." I say dryly. 

He laughs. "Good Styx. Also be warned, my friends know that you kicked ass in London. They are expecting you to give it your all." 

I grin in the dark. "Oh, I'll give it my all all right." I chuckle. "They won't know what hit them." 

I hear Jared give out a soft laugh and I almost wish I could see his face. He usually shows arrogance but I have a feeling now, he doesn't look arrogant. 

"I think they'll set you up with Willow first because she's a girl as well." 

"Huh, you noticed that. I'm surprised." 

He snorts and says cockily. "Kinda hard not to notice." 

The hall starts lighting up and I punch him in the shoulder. "Jerk, you shouldn't have noticed." 

He looks mocking. "What, am I not supposed to have eyes as well Styx?" 

"No your not." I hit him playfully and he whoops and grabs me around the waist and hoists me over his shoulder. "Let me down!" I yell as I hit his back.

For some reason I don't mind this, playing around and joking with Jared. "But I can't see Styx. I can't accidentally drop you somewhere dangerous. Your mom might kill me." 

"Jerk, set me down." I demand as he walks into a room with people in it. The boxing room. "Seriously, set me down." 

He doesn't and I hear a yell. "Its the Red Reaper!" I sigh and toss my bag next to the bleachers and squeak when I feel somebody else grab me. I twist around in their grasp and hear Jared laugh. 

The boy who has me in their grasp was one of Jared's friends. The one I had seen talking to Willow. I twist in his grip and land a punch on his face and he yelps, drops me, and clutches his face. "She hits hard." 

I look at Jared. "See, I hardly hit like a girl." 

Jared looks at me with wide innocent eyes. "Never said you did Styx." 

I snort and survey the room. There are boys tumbling over each other like idiots and there is another boy practicing with a boy who was identical to him. They are both grinning at each other and they are attractive. They almost have elfish features. 

Willow appears and grabs my hand, pulling me to the ring. I nearly trip over the rope but manage to not make a fool of myself. First impression are everything and I know by trying to join the team, attention is something I'll probably get a lot.

People around us stop messing around and watch us curiously. I grin as I take to my corner and I unzip my sweater and drape it over the top rope. I have already wrapped my hands and Willow has too. She stands in workout leggings and a tank top. She looks way more covered than me with my shorter shorts and sports bra. 

I see Jared with his cocky smirk and focus on Willow. We circle each other and I see a similar smirk on Willow's face, matching Jared's. Her fist comes flying at my face and I dodge it easily. I don't hit first, I had been the captain on the London boxing team and having my teammates throw punches at me taught them control. When I had thrown punches at them, seeing if they could dodge, it improved their foot work and they got better. 

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