Good Things

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Scarlet's pov

The next couple months pass until it's nearly the start of my senior year. Things were great after Sean proposed to my mom, she said yes and has been stressing about the wedding lately. 

Jared and I are hanging out with our friends on the beach. Jordan and Jessica are laying with each other in the sand a good distance away, talking in low voices. Jared's laying back with his head in my lap as I run my fingers through his hair. 

I'm wearing a white button up with shorts and I can feel Jared's soft hair brushing my legs. Willow and Kylar are laying on a blanket a couple feet away, holding hands and talking. Drake and James are off flirting with cute girls down the way and they are clearly interested. 

A million more freckles show on my body from my time in the sun with Jared. There was thankfully a faint raised scar on my stomach from the bullet wound several months ago. I haven't heard from Julia or Judy since the funeral and I'm kinda glad. I am mostly glad I don't have to lay around to let myself heal.

Jared reaches up and brushes a finger under my chin. "Whatcha thinking about?" 

I smile down at him, my hair spilling over my shoulders, way longer than I ever let it grow out. "What aren't I thinking about?" 

He sits up and runs his finger through my long hair. "Kissing me, I don't think you ever think of that." 

I grin, "That's where you're wrong lover boy." I brush my lips against his and smile when he tries leaning in. "I think about it all the time. I'm just against public PDA." I grin again and stand up. I start unbuttoning my shirt. 

He stare up at me, "What are you doing?" 

I let the white fabric slide off my shoulders and toss it at him, my shorts as well. He takes in my black bikini top and bottoms. Willow had finally convinced me to wear it to the beach. "I'm going swimming."

He drop my clothes on the blanket and discards his shirt. "You really think you can just go swimming without me?" 

I grin, "I thought I could try. I mean." I toss my shoes at him and he catches them. "I still can." 

I run, the sand shifting under my feet. I laugh, a laugh that's carried away on the wind as I hear Jared swear and chase after me.

I glance over my shoulder and see him only a couple feet behind me and I pick up speed. I hit the water and spin around, sticking my foot out before Jared can't stop himself as he trips and falls in. 

He comes up a minute later, sputtering and pushing his hair out of his face. I grin at him as he swims towards me and gets to his feet. "Why'd you do that?" 

I cross my arms, "Do I need a reason?" 

He walks over and scoops me up in his arms. I clutch his neck as he starts running and jumps. I yelp as we hit the water and he lets me go. I let myself sink for a second before kicking up to the surface. 

I push my hair out of my face and Jared swims over to me and pulls me against him. I smile as I wrap my legs around him, "I don't need a reason for that either." 

"Oh," I laugh. "Good to know. Then I," leaning forward, I kiss him. "Don't need a reason for that." 

He grins, "Do you really ever need a reason for that though? I mean just doing that is amazing." 

I sigh and the ocean water laps over my back gently. "You're impossible. I love you but you're sorta stupid." 

He slides his hands under my thighs, "Something about that sounds familiar. But..." He cocks his head. "I can't recall." 

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