The Wedding Toast

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Jared's pov

Scarlet is glowing with happiness as she watches her mom and new stepdad dancing. Seeing her happy is making my palms sweat as I gather the courage to go over to her parents to ask them something. 

Other's are at tables and Jessica and Jordan are the only ones at our table, Scarlet and I are just standing around. She looks breathtakingly beautiful in her gold gown and I noticed later, flip flops. 

She also went without make up and her hair is loose over her pale shoulders. Her black glasses are sliding down her nose and I watch her push them up her nose carelessly. I keep thinking back to her face when she watched her mom say her vows. She hadn't looked at me but I hadn't been able to stop watching her. It made and makes me want to give her that happiness and I am damn well going to try. 

I place a light hand on her shoulder. She looks up, her green eyes light. "We can't disappear before the wedding toast. I plan on saying something to make everyone particularly toasty." She smirks and I kiss her. Scarlet exhales and slides her hands in my hair. "Maybe the toast can wait." 

I pull back, "It can't. I am going to congratulate Ally and Sean. I'll be back love." I kiss her again and chuckle as she tries to snake her arms around my neck. 

Ally watches me and she forces Sean to stop dancing. "Hi Jared." 

I smile and swallow down my nervousness. "Congratulations, I'm glad you're able to have such an amazing person to have in your life." 

Ally smiles and Sean chuckles. "You clearly have more than wishing us well on your mind. Is something wrong?" 

I glance over my shoulder at Scarlet, she's playing with the stem of a champagne glass. "No, nothings wrong. I just seem to have lost my mind." 

Ally grabs my arm as I turn. "What is it? You are my daughter's boyfriend after all." 

Sean cocks his head at me and a smile forms at his mouth. "He's nervous. What do you think he wants to ask." It is more of a statement than a question.

She smirks, "Come on. Ask." 

I wipe my hands on the leg of my pants. "Can I have your blessing..." I inhale before saying. "Can I have your blessing to ask Scarlet to marry me?"

Ally tilts her head and looks painfully like Scarlet in that moment. "Aren't you a little young?" 

Sean nudges her. "He's nineteen. Hardly young." 

I lick my lips, "Yeah, if you think I'm too young I'll back off." 

She laughs softly. "I'm kidding. You're practically living at our house, practically a son of mine. Have at it kid. But be prepared to possibly be rejected. I can't ever imagine Scarlet marrying and settling down."

I rub my hand against the back of my neck and close my eyes. "Yeah, I was scared you actually meant I was too young." 

She shrugs, "Just do it at the right time. I have to ask if you have a ring?"

I nod and make sure she's not watching me before I pull the box my mom had given me earlier. Inside is a silver ring that's an heirloom, it has thorns engraved in it. Sean glances behind me as he takes the box and hands it to Ally. 

She nods as she looks at it and hands it back to me. "I approve completely. I assume you'll be doing it during the time for the toasts?" 

I give a relieved laugh. "Yes, can I do it after Sean or you speaks?"

She shakes her head, "Hell, do it before. Do it after everyone is seated at the table."

Ally presses a kiss to my cheek as I slide the box in my pocket. I jog back to Scarlet and she smiles up at me. "That took a while. I was afraid you were going to run away with my mom and Sean." She chuckles, "It would have caused quite the scandal." 

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