Jared's pov
She is right when she says she's not coming to school Monday. Almost all of my classes match hers and her seat is empty in all of them. I don't know why but I can't help noticing it.
Willow let out a laugh at something Kylar says and I have been noticing the way he's been admiring her. Drake and James are discussing something in quiet voices as they do when there isn't an active conversation happening within our group.
Drake and James also happen to be identical twins. The only way I can tell them apart is Drake has pale blue eyes and James has dark blue eyes.
Something hits me in the shoulder and I see Penny's blue eyes on me and I try not to cringe as I pick up the crumpled piece of paper at my feet. I remember what Scarlet said about her and shudder.
I don't read it, instead I stand up and throw it away. Penny huffs in annoyance and I sit down and face Willow and Kylar. "Whatcha doing?"
Willow looks up and grin and Kylar flushes lightly when he looks at me. He's been my friend since forever and he knows I'm more observant than I let on. "Just talking." Willow claims.
I lean over the back of my chair. "About?"
Willow opens her mouth and Kylar beats her to it. "We're talking about tryouts today. You excited?"
I shrug. "I've been on the team forever. But yes, I'm excited."
Kylar grins and Drake and James notice and pull their chairs up next to us. "We hear your talking about tryouts." They say in unison. A lot of times they spoke like that, like they could hear each others thoughts and spoke aloud at the same time. Creepy sometimes.
Kylar leans forward and drops his voice. "I think the new girl is trying out too. I learned from someone that she's from London and I looked up the boxing teams in London until I found her. She's got a crazy reputation there and she is the real deal. She's never lost a round and her team is great. She was the best out of them all. They called her the Red Reaper back there. It's crazy what I learned."
He looks up at the teacher who is ignoring everyone and pulls out his phone. He shows us a picture with Scarlet and two kids next to her. Scarlet has a black eye and she's sporting a split lip, but she's grinning ear to ear with her arms slung around the blonde boy and girl's shoulder. The boy and girl look like they were twins. Scarlet was in a loose open robe and was wearing shorts and a sports bra underneath. Her hair was in tight braids and a few curling strands had escaped.
"Who are they?" I'm the first to ask.
Kylar looks at me, "I think their names are Miles and Judy Moore. Twins by the looks of it. From what I also gathered was that she only hung out with them. There was a lot to say about them. The new girl, Scarlet, was known at that school for getting into fights with people who picked on her or her friends. It was way easier to find all this information than I expected. Once I found some kids from her school on social media, bam! I had everything about her. She was a big deal back in London. She was pretty scary."
He moves his phone away to find something else. "That's sorta interesting." I murmur.
Willow looks at me. "She seems so inward here. She doesn't like any of us and it is very hard to get her to crack a real smile. I don't think this is all she's hiding behind. She's too touchy about her past to only have that to hide. Because that's nothing."
I shrug and Kylar leans forward and places his phone on the desk. "Watch."
He presses play and we all lean forward and see dark red hair flash as Scarlet ducks and her opponent tries hitting her again. She wasn't in a ring and there was a group of people surrounding them. School fight. I saw the blonde haired twins watching her anxiously.

The New Girl From London
RomanceScarlet just wants to be left alone and finish high school as she moved away from her home. People at her old school saw her as odd and she only had two best friends that were left back in London when she moved. She is forced into a new school being...