Passed Away

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When you passed away
The Boyz as your brothers

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Sangyeoniee: Why didn't you listen to me?
Sangyeoniee: why didn't you call me to drive you back home?
Sangyeoniee: Why did you took that stupid taxi if you could've just told me and get me up to fetch you
Sangyeoniee: why (Y/n)? Why?

Sangyeon would blame himself for your death even if years have passed. He would try to be tough but cry while looking at your pictures.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n).."

↪ Jacob ↩

Cerealbae: Hey my lovely sister!
Cerealbae: I bought our favorite cereals earlier
Cerealbae: Come back so we can eat this together!!

Jacob would try to move on but he can't. You are his little sister who he have taken care off for years and now that you're gone, he can't just accept it.

"Come back.."


Hoony: Hello (Y/n)
Hoony: How are you?
Hoony: Are you eating enough? Getting a good rest?
Hoony: Please take care of yourself
Hoony: We miss you

Younghoon would always remind you to take care even though you're dead. He would maybe message you once a week just to remember that he had a sister like you in his life.

"I miss you"


Jaejae: (Y/NNNNNNN)!
Jaejae: YOOHOOO!!
Jaejae: oof!
Jaejae:C'mon, comeback to us please~

Hyunjae would constantly message and annoy you with Eric 'cause he honestly couldn't accept that you're now gone but he knows that you are in a good place now.



Juyeon wouldn't message you, instead he would visit you in your grave for almost everyday with your favorite flowers then talk to you and cry. He just can't believe that you left them.

"My lovely little sister..."

↪ Kevin ↩

MyMoon🌙: I got a ticket for Beyoncé's concert aahh!!
MyMoon🌙: I actually bought two
MyMoon🌙: For us but you can't go with me now
MyMoon🌙: But I will record the concert just for you!

Kevin wouldn't cry 'cause he knows that you would be mad and feel bad if he did. He would do the things you love like reading, playing games, etc.

"It would be more nice if you are with us, (Y/n)"

↪ New ↩

Nyuu😇: (Y/n) I just released my solo album!
Nyuu😇: I followed my dreams just what like you said
Nyuu😇: It would be nice if you're here to listen to my song and to celebrate with us
Nyuu😇:  :(((

Chanhee would be so devastated and cry whenever he thinks of you. Every song he would sing, he would dedicate it to you, that ks how he would show his love for you even though you already left.

"I hope you're happy wherever you are.."

↪ Q ↩

Dolphin🐬: There is a new horror movie today (Y/n)
Dolphin🐬: I am supposed to watch this with you like we always do
Dolphin🐬: But since you're gone now
Dolphin🐬: I am just gonna watch it alone :(

Changmin rarely cry but whenever he see your picture with him, he would definitely get sad and tear up.

"why did you left us?"


Haknyeonie: Hey (Y/n)!
Haknyeonie: I saw your favorite snack earlier in the grocery store
Haknyeonie: and I decided to buy a lot~

aknyeonie: So I'll visit you today, okay?

Haknyeon is one of those members who would always visit your grave and bring your favorite snacks. He would talk to you about his day while eating then would stay for a little longer and recall his happy memories with you.

"Hey I'm here again.."


Sun🌞: I wrote a rap for you
Sun🌞: I was gonna perform it on your birthday
Sun🌞: But looks like it won't gonna happen anymore

Sunwoo would busy his self like he would do everything to move on but as the time pass by, he would realize that there is no point of moving on since you were his little sister and your name is already engraved in his heart.

"I love you (Y/n), my sister.."

↪ Eric ↩

Youngjaee💕: YOOWWWW~~~
Youngjaee💕: YAAAAAAA!!!
Youngjaee💕: C'MON!!!
Youngjaee💕: (Y/N) (S/N)!!!
Youngjaee💕: I can't revive you with my annoying skills goddammit

Eric wouldn't forget to spam you with annoying messages 'cause he thought you might miss him. He would also visit you often and talk about everything.

"Hey I miss you~"

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