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"Wait! Harry!" I limped over to Harry and started panting.

"What? Couldn't handle last night, freckles" Harry smirked and I nudged him in the chest.

"Who's the coolest?" He asked. "I am!" I smirked at him.

"Who's the coolest?!" He yelled louder. "Me!" I chuckled and Harry slapped me.

"Ow! What the hell Harry?" I scoffed. "Wrong answer! I'm the coolest" Harry laughed at me.

"Well I'm the bestest!" I rolled my eyes playfully, and tried to kiss him but he moved away. I poured and he chuckled.

"First, stop making up words. And second, no kisses for you" Harry smirked and winked at me.

"I-I don't care! I don't need your kisses anyway!" I mumbled.

"Sure about that" he chuckled and kissed my neck. "I know some of your weaknesses" he snickered and sucked on a spot.

I gasped and shut my eyes. "H-Harry! S-Stop!" I moaned. "Your choice, not mine" he smiled and knocked on Evie's mini castle door.

I saw he left a hickey and glared at him. "Why you—"

"Hey, Evie's a bit busy, but come in" Mal smiled and let us both in.

"I'm just gonna tidy up a bit" Mal smirked and took us to the living room and slammed the door.

"That's weird. What's wrong with her?" I muttered.

"Many people have the same question about you pup" Harry chuckled. "Hey! That's rude!" I growled at him as we sat down

We stayed quiet for a bit just looking at each other. Harry smiled at me, and went in for a kiss. He pushed me down on the couch. I kisses back as he deepened the kiss. He then pulled me into his lap and we both pulled away for air.

"Your too cute sometimes~" Harry whispered and licked my ear softly. I moaned softly and my face turned red.

I whined quietly and closed my eyes. I hated when he did that in front of my friends or call me cute. It was embarrassing. I've never really been in a relationship. We had gotten together during Mal & Ben's engagement party, when we brought down the barrier.

So we had been together for at least 3 months and it was the summer break.

I don't mind it when we're alone. I love it when I have his attention, at least when there's no one there. I prefer to just be alone with him, while he likes to show me off.

Like the time...


"You sure you wanna do this?" Harry asked. "Of course! I love you so much" Carlos chuckled and kisses Harry's cheek.

They walked into the room and all their friends where there.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell us?" Lonnie asked.

"Well...." Carlos mumble.

"SORRY FUCKERS! HE'S TAKEN! BY ME! AND IF ANY OF YOU FUCKERS STEAL HIM, I WILL DESTROY YOU!!" Harry screamed and hugged Carlos so close to him.

"Harry!" Carlos spat. "What, you wanted to tell them" Harry chuckled. "Not like that!" Carlos growled.

"Seriously! Harry never has feelings, and your gay?" Jay chuckled.

Dimensions • Harlos • Harry Hook x Carlos De Vil • Descedants FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now