2 • Wicked World

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"What...what is this place...." I muttered to myself. It looks like Auradon. But different.

"Who are you?!"

I turned around and saw a slightly taller version of myself. But his hair was up and ugly not to mention. He looked like he was attacked by raccoons.

"Who the hell are you?!" He asked, confused. "Are you CJ!" He growled.

"Who?" I questioned. "Harry's younger sister. You know! The one who can shape shift for some odd reason!" He glared at me.

"Harry doesn't have a younger sister?! Don't you mean Harriet his older sister?" I asked. "Stop trying to fool us again CJ" he rolled his eyes.

He looked at the portal and touched it. "What is this?"

Suddenly the portal turned red and the guy was sucked in.

I froze

The portal is gone

I'm stuck in this alternative universe.

I tried calling my friends

No signal



I walked around and noticed Auradon prep. I went inside t see if I could find anyone. I went outside in the garden

I stepped on something and a rope was tied around my foot and I was upside down.

"AH!" I screamed. "Aha! Got you theif! Is it CJ—woah Carlos you look weird" A girl with blonde hair said.

She let me go and I groaned. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" I grunted.

"Oh no! Carlos! You but your head and because shorter too!" The girl pouted. What the hell!

Where am I?! "JANE!! JORDAN! EVIE! LONNIE! FREDDIE!! JUST ALL OF YOU!" The girl screamed.

Who's Freddie? And Lonnie, Jane  and Audrey are here? Where's Harry??

"Yeah Ally?"

It sounded like Lonnie. But she looked a bit different.

"Don't you remember me!" The blonde girl shook me. That just made me more dizzy. I think her name was Ally.

"A-Ally! Stop shaking me!" I stammered.

"Ally! Let him speak!" Audrey said. Wow. She looked different. Her hair was brown. Not pink and blue like our Audrey.

"Thanks Audrey" I sighed. "Wait. He remembers you but not me?" Ally said.

"I only know Lonnie, Jane and Audrey so I don't know the genie girl, crazy girl who shook me and the other vk" I grunted.

"You don't remember?" Lonnie asked. "It's not that I don't remember. It's I don't know who they are" I shook my head.

"Well I'm Jordan, that's Ally and Freddie" the genie girl smiled.

"I'm daughter of the Genie, Ally is daughter of Alice and Freddie is daughter of Dr Falcier" she smiled.

"Isn't that Celia?" I asked. "Who?" Jane asked.

I took a deep breath.

"You might not believe me but I'm not your Carlos I think. Evie and Mal in my world made an invention. To teleport to another dimension" I explained.

"Evie? Mal? But they're here? Oh Carlos is stol the same clueless" Audrey scoffed and pointed to a dorm as I ran off.

Since when was Audrey so cruel. She did attack Auradon but she is pretty nice.

Maybe I'll find Harry.

"Let's go!" I yelled as they followed me.

"Is there someone like me in your dimension?" Audrey asked.

"Well yeah, but she kinda acts different and looks different" I replied.

"Who else is here? Celia? Doug? Maybe Hades can help?! Harry! Or Dizzy...." I rambled but they all looked confused.

"Well Harry is here. With Uma and Gil. Ben let them come to Auradon as well. Even though they aren't good!" Audrey scoffed.

What is she on about?

We finally got there. "Hey Evie, Carlos wants to talk to you" Jane smiles, weirdly at me.

I stood there in shock. Evie was wayyyy different.

She wore the outfit my Evie wore when we moved to Auradon. A year later we changed. And that was when Mal ran to the isle. And before VK day we changed our hair, outfits and everything.

So did Mal. Mal didn't have purple and blue hair here.

"Carlos!" Evie tensed up when she saw me. "Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Your hair? Outfit! Your voice! Why do you have a hickey? Did Jane give it to you! You look older! You don't look 15!!" She rented.

Why would Jane give me a hickey. I date Harry, and I'm not straight. Yeah, Harry is bisexual but still. And I'm 17, while Harry is 18. But I'll nearly be 18. B it Harry will be 19 before I'm 18.

"I'm not from this dimension" I sighed. "Your portal bright me here. I mean my Evie from my dimension made a portal" I continued.

"Wait! Really!" She ran up and showed me blueprints.

"It's kinda looked like that" I replied. "I knew it would work! I need to tell out Carlos!"

"Yeah......" I sighed. "About that.......

Dimensions • Harlos • Harry Hook x Carlos De Vil • Descedants FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now