6 • Fight

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I saw a bucket of swords and grabbed one. I went up and hit Gil down.

I heard The ak's gasp as they watched.

"Carlos! You promised!" Jane growled. "Don't worry. Their eyes are too old for me" I chuckled.

"Not for me pup!"

I heard a deep voice and a sword was pointed at me. "Pup! What the fuck happened to you?" Harry growled at me.

I smirked and ran off. Obviously Harry chasing after me. "CAREFUL!!" I heard Jordan scream. Harry started to attack me with his sword. This one was taller than my Harry.

He pinned me to the ground and I got on top. But then he got on top of me.

"Get up and fight pup!" Harry barked. This is how Harry....err my Harry used to act like.

He used to be an asshole. Before we started dating.

And let me tell you.

I don't miss this at all




Now with Harry gone, I could work on helping Carlos without the two arguing.

"So how will you get me back home?" Carlos asked. "I'll try and get everything I remember on my other computer. It may take a while...." I sighed

"Do I have to sit here! I'm bored! Do you have any villains to fight? Like Zevon or CJ?" He asked.

Mal tilted her head in confusion. "You mean Harriet?" I asked. Carlos just shook his head. "Oh do you know where Jane is!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah. She's I did my friends. How do you know her?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Uhh...she's just a very good friend"

He wasn't different than our Carlos. He was impatient and sometimes playful. He also goes red when he lies and stutters.

"Wait hold up......your with Jane!" Mal bursted out. My jaw widened open as I tried to imagine Carlos and Jane kissing.


I can hardly take it when Harry kisses Carlos' cheek.

But when he kisses him or his neck it's worse! Harry does it at the worst times, Carlos always tries to stop him.

Like one time we were in a meeting discussing about the isle of the lost and Harry kept sexually teasing Carlos. No one noticed though. He did look uncomfortable and I heard a quiet Moan.


But Jane and Carlos!

Yuck! Kill me now!

"Yeah?" He said and looked shocked. "What. Isn't your Carlos dating her?" He asked.

"We can discuss that....if.....Carlos comes back" I sighed. "Hey, don't say that. Evie your smart. I'm sure you can figure it out" Carlos smiles and gave me a hug.

"Thanks 'Los. Your no different than our Carlos" I smiled and hugged back.

"Except you look weird" Mal laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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Dimensions • Harlos • Harry Hook x Carlos De Vil • Descedants FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now