3 • Trust

670 17 2


"Blue.......you better turn on this thing right NOW!!!" I said, as calmly as I could, but my heart was racing.

Carlos was in a random dimension. No way to communicate with us.

"I think I got it!" Evie smiles as a portal opened. I got excited that Carlos was back.

My ears perked up but then fell as I was punched in the face.

We both fell on the floor and groaned loudly. "My head.......

It sounded like Carlos but also sounded younger.

I looked at him as Carlos stood up. "'Los what happened to you?" Mal asked.

This wasn't Carlos.....

This wasn't my Carlos........

"Mal! Evie! Why the hell are we here? You guys look different! Where is this! Why isn't Harry attacking us. With Uma and Gil like they always do!" Carlos spat.

"Wait Carlos! Have you seen a weird version of yourself?" Mal asked.


But then it hit this different Carlos what happend. He gasped. "You have to get me back to my dimension!!" Carlos begged.

This one was weird. My Carlos was playful. This one just was annoying.

"Can you just take me back!" Carlos frowned. "Well about that......I think Captain Hook hacked the system. That's why it went red......" Evie trailed off.

"Evie! What are we gonna do!" Mal exclaimed. "Fix this now!" I darkened my growl.

"We have to get to Captain Hook's computer so we can get the control back" Evie sighed.

Why did my dad have to do this. Nobody knew this about me but, my dad was abusive. Just like Carlos' mom.

We talked to each other on the isle sometimes. And on the day the barrier was broken, he was scared but came to me. And things got heated and yeah.

"This is all your fault! Carlos is locked in an alternative universe cause you didn't fucking listen!" I snapped at her.

"Stop! Stop yelling at Evie! It was your stupid dads fault! If you want to be helpful stop growling like a kid and go to his base if you wanna be useful for once!" Carlos shot back, hugging Evie.

I stayed quiet at that. Carlos never got mad at me so this took me off guard.

"Sorry blue......." I sighed.

I just can't loose him.

I already lost Camila.....

I can't loose someone else.......




"What?!" Jane shouted at me as I told them. "You can't be serious!" She continued.

"Well Mal, Evie and Harry are the—"

"HARRY!!!" They all yelled in unison. "Is he the reason your here? If I find him I will attack him! Both dimensions!" Mal scowled.

"Woah! Hey! Calm down! Why are you so mad at Harry. He isn't bad......" I asked.

"Excuse me! How is he not! He teamed up with Zenon! Attacked us multiple times!" Jordan growled.

"Yikes...." I whispered and shook my head. "I mean the Harry in my universe. He isn't bad. He helped us stop Audrey from destroying Auradon"

"What?!" Freddie's jaw was open. "You can't trust Harry!" Lonnie shook her head.

"That's not true......" I mumbled, slightly offended.

"I agree with Lonnie. Harry can not be trusted. No matter which dimension he is in" Mal sighed.

"Right.......can we go back on how we'll get me home..." I muttered.

"It'll take while. I don't know what universe your from. And we need all the parts. Your Evie is also probably working on it" Evie explained.

I sighed and turned around and saw Jane with a worried face.

She look really sad when she found out their Carlos was gone.

"So how are things with you and Carlos?" I trailed off.

Dimensions • Harlos • Harry Hook x Carlos De Vil • Descedants FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now