4 • Alone

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I was on the Isle going to my dads ship. I removed the cameras and sneaked in.

I knew I hadn't taken all of them but I didn't care at this point. All I need to is destroy that crook and get my Carlos back.

If I don't get my Carlos back!

I will destroy everything!

And won't feel guilty ago it it.

I heard the crook yelling at his crew to attack. "B-But Captain—" Mr Smee yelled.

"What?! Who is it! Destro—oh son!" Captain Hook smirked at me. I glared at him. I punched him in the gut and he fell.

"Why are you here? I didn't do anything!" He glared at me.

"You better give me Evie's computer or I'll destroy you!" I growled.

"That's not gonna happen! ATTACK!!" He screamed as his crew came to me. I growled and brought my sword out.

They started attacking me as I fought back. I fell to the ground as one pirate punched me in the stomach.

"Fuck..." I groaned. I heard Captain Hook laughing. "Get off!" I growled and attacked the other pirates, knocking them into the sea.

I got to his base and started smashing stuff. I hope this is good enough for you Evie. My phone rang as I pushed Captain Hook into the sea.


"Harry....we have a problem" Evie sighed.




"So you and......Carlos are together?" I asked. It was weird how this universe was different.

"Y-Yes!" Jane cries. "I-I just hoped he's fine!" "He survived the time he was stuck in Jays body. When he got attacked by a bird" Mal smiles.

"Woah! How weird is this world?" I snickered.

"Well we rarely have any normal days. Most times it's Uma's gang attacking us. Or sometimes Carlos creates an invention that destroys us. This is Evie's second invention" Jordan chuckled.

"One time Evie made an invention that can read your mind" Ally smiles.

"Seriously. Can I try it?" I asked. "Sure. But it isn't our fault if a dark secret comes out" Mal smirked.

Evie went and got the little robot. She turned it on. There's no way that this works.

"No way this metal head works!" The robot said. "Woah! Awesome!" I smiled. "I know" Evie chuckled.

I'm a proud dog

"I'm a proud dog." I just chuckled at the robot. So it can read minds huh?

"So it knows that I'm gay" the robot said. I froze when the robot said that.

"What?" Evie asked. "Jane, please don't kill me" the robot said as I kicked it.

"Um...." I sighed.


"What's the problem?" I asked as I immediately walked into Evie's shop.

"Please don't tell me you destroyed Captain Hook's computer!" Mal begged. Evie looked annoyed at me.

"I did? So what?" I shrugged. "SO WHAT?! My files were on that computer!!" Evie bellowed.

"Thank god the experiment was new and I remember most things. But it will take a very long time for Carlos to come back" Evie took a deep breath as Mal hugged her.

I froze at what I just heard.

I couldn't believe it.

"Why didn't you tell me not to destroy the damn computer! How long will it take!" I yelled, feeling broken.

"A while, a few weeks..." Mal grunted. I rolled my eyes. "Just leave" the other Carlos rolled his eyes back.

"With pleasure!" I scoffed and ran back to my house. I slammed the door shut and felt tears building up in my eyes.

He never listens to me

And he gets hurt....

This is the last time I'm saving him. I can't live like this anymore!

I suffered enough with Camila's death, I'm not gonna loose my Carlos too.

I slid down the door and started to sob.

All alone.......

Dimensions • Harlos • Harry Hook x Carlos De Vil • Descedants FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now