5 • The Sea Three

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"I need to get some samples of your blood" Evie sighed.

I slowly nodded and frowned. Feeling uncomfortable with what the robot revealed.

Especially when Jane was worrying and crying about me...I mean their Carlos. Her boyfriend.

And it was killing me. "H-How long will it take?" Jane sniffed. "I don't know. We need to find out what dimension he's in. But this Carlos' dimensions Harry is safe. But our one isn't" Evie muttered.

"I'll be fine. I've learned a few tricks on how to defeat Harry in my universe."

"Kissing him won't be defeat" Evie chuckled, and a small blush appeared on my face.

"I wasn't planning on" I responded. "It's better if you stay hidden" Jordan smiled. "She's right. You can stay here" Evie announces.

I was about to argue back but Jane shut me up. "Please. I don't wanna worry about you too. Please...."

I hates seeing my friends cry. I mean she's still Jane. Nothing different. Especially Harry or Evie. Evie because she was my first ever friend.

I mean I did have a crush at her at one point but I just wanted to stay friends. And of course Harry because I love him.


He must've worried sick about me. Why did I have to go. He told me about this girl. His childhood friend Camila. They dated since age 11. It was a couple of moths before we left to the Isle that her death happened.

She found a way out of the isle. She was smart like me. Harry didn't want her to go, but just like me she ignored him. She managed to get out, but a hunter killed her.

Harry was so depressed and sad. He sometimes still js. He's told me about the nightmares he'd had about her.

One time he started cutting. It wasn't healthy for him. I don't want to leave him.

But I'm not there to help him....

What have I done?

*Time Skip*



"Hey are you okay. You've been silent all day" Evie frowned and gave me a chocolate bar.

"I'm fine" J shook my head. "I'll take you to Jay's dorm. He is staying at Bens for a while and won't be there" Evie explained.

"You know you can talk to me. Carlos and me are really close" Evie smiles. I chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah, so are me and my Evie. I just feel....guilty..."

"Guilty? Why?" Evie questioned. "I wasn't supposed to be here. Harry told me not to go in the portal but I didn't listen. And now he's dead worried about me with no way to communicate......" I muttered.
I felt bad. I just wanted to see him and kiss him. This isn't the first time I've been in trouble and he had to help me.

Over three months.

I was kidnapped by Captain Hook, used as a subject with these weird scientists, and nearly married a weird fairy who kidnapped me.

Yeah it was pretty weird. This left Harry exhausted, depressed, worried and furious all at once. I could tell he was getting tired.

"I'm so sorry Carlos. But we should be heading to bed" Evie sighed and took me to Jays bedroom.

He wasn't there though. I layed on the bed and shut my eyes. I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Harry.

What if he breaks up with me? What if he gets with someone else? Because of the drama I've caused.

Tears swelled up in my eyes. But I knew I only had myself to blame. I didn't want him to leave me. I just wanted him to love me.

A loud sob trembled out of my lips. I tried to hold my tears but failed. Crying makes me feel weak.

Next Day

Me, Evie and Mal were at a fast food shop. We were waiting for Jay to come.

"He should be here" Mal sighed. "What up guys!"

I looked and saw Jay. Woah. What's with him. His skin is darker, his eyes are tiny and his muscles look weird. Ew. I prefer my Jay.

"Carlos, what's happened to you? You look older, your hairstyle is different and so is your clothing?" Jay asked.

"This is what I was telling you about remember?" Evie nodded and Jay smiles. "This is a different Carlos from another dimension. Cool!" Jay smiles.

"How the fuck is this cool!" I glared at him. "Woah, this one is more sassy!" Jay snickered. This Jay was way more of an assehole.

"How similar are we to your world?" Mal questioned and Jay sat down. I brought my phone out and showed them pictures.

"This is us on the Isle of the Lost

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"This is us on the Isle of the Lost. When it was VK Day" I relied.

"How old are we here?" Jay asked. "Well Mal, Evie and Jay are 18, turning 19. I just turned 17. How about you guys?" I asked.

"We're all 16 turning 17, except our Carlos is 15" Mal answered.

"I look so stylish!" Evie gasped

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"I look so stylish!" Evie gasped. Evie's phone started to ring as she answered it.

"Evie! The Sea Three are attacking!" Lonnie yelled from the phone.

"Carlos just stay here. Don't get into any trouble" Mal said as they ran off. I sighed. I wanted to help.

I went to where they went to watch the fight. Uma was battling Mal and Evie. I could see Gil with Jay.

They were loosing.

Don't worry!

I'm Gonna help!

Dimensions • Harlos • Harry Hook x Carlos De Vil • Descedants FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now