Chapter 2

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"I walk over to where you are, eye to eye we need no words at all"

"I walk over to where you are, eye to eye we need no words at all"

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Author's POV

It's been almost eighteen years since that unfortunate day on which a kingdom lost its precious little princess. Ellesmere's heart never coped up with the sorrow but now is growing to be the most powerful kingdom known.

No one knew where the princess was or was even breathing. But I know better. Anne brought little Lisa to Sicillia, ruled by the royal family of the Kim who are loyal friends with Ellesmere. Their friendship has always been pure and real, or is it? Only they knew about the whereabouts of the lost princess and protected her.

A small but luxurious castle was built specially to protect Lalisa now called Lily in the middle of a forest far away from the people's eyes.

All was well and Lily was living happily, unknown to the fact that she was the lost princess of Ellesmere. But soon, Lily won't be living in the darkness, truth will come out and everything will change.

 But soon, Lily won't be living in the darkness, truth will come out and everything will change

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Lily's POV

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lily, Happy Birthday to you", a shrill voice sang. I groaned and covered my head with the blankets to escape the noise.

"You sleepy head! Wake up!" and now it turned into a scream. "Five minutes more please" I squeaked. But Anne being Anne knew accurately that these five minutes would end up being hours so she snatched the warm blankets away.

Even though I had no intentions of waking up, I sat up on my bed and spoke with a sleepy voice, "Anne, there's a whole month left for my birthday!"

"Why would you not be excited! You're turning eighteen!" Anne spoke with excitement to which I groaned, "I don't wanna be eighteen! I don't even know what to do with my life! I'm so lost".

"My dear Lily, you never know what life has to offer. There are so many good things left to come. I can tell that you'll have a very bright life ahead. Just wait patiently," Anne shared with seriousness in her voice and got lost in a thread of thoughts "Princess soon you'll be aware of your true identity and it will give your life a new and greater purpose".

Her thoughts were disturbed by a small chuckle which brought Anne back to reality. "Anne being smart and mature, that's rare" I joked. Anne just rolled her eyes and left the room ordering me to come have breakfast at the earliest.

The castle has always been a busy place, Anne told me that the people here worked for the royal family of Sicillia. What I find peculiar is that people are always very kind to me and don't allow me to do any work, I even sleep in the largest bedroom in the castle and am treated like a princess when I'm just as normal.

Feeling awful for sitting there doing nothing, I started lending a hand. Early in the morning, I'd go to the field nearby and collect fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers.

A thought popped up on my mind and I asked in a teasing manner, "What are you giving me as my birthday present dear Anne?!" She took a minute thinking deeply, then replied,

"A letter and a necklace from someone really special and close to you"

The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze

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The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. Grass was wet due to the dew drips glistening. Birds were chirping enjoying the cool breeze. The atmosphere was so tranquil and serene, it made me feel good.

In addition, I read a horoscope that something good was going to happen for me today making my mood more better. I was really anticipating it.

Most of the time Anne accompanied me as she was so concerned about my safety but today feeling rebellious, I sneaked out alone, wanting to explore alone. I know I'm going to get some good scolding when I go back to the castle.

In no time, I reached the field. I loved the scene ahead of me, beautiful, enchanting flowers everywhere. It was full of grenary, juicy vegetables and fresh fruits. The place looked magnificent. I adore it.

Taking a basket, I started collecting flowers. As I was looking around for white roses, my eyes found an unfamiliar pair of sharp eyes focused on me. He was dressed elegantly looking like royalty leaning on his black horse, staring right at me. I felt nervous under the heavy gaze of this beautiful human being.

Saying he is beautiful was an understatement. He had a small face with soft features. He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep brown and his skin was as smooth flawless looking like a sheet of well done cloth. He had the looks that stop you right on track. He looked unreal.

Panick struck me when that fine man started walking towards me. "Lily, you better not embarrass yourself and be normal for once" I told myself.

Author's note

Hey there, my lovely readers! If you're reading this, thank you so much for patiently waiting for updates. Hope you're liking this story, please tell me by dropping some comments and voting! I take constructive criticism💓 Now let's talk about this Lisa,

A goddess. Mentor Lisa looks totally gorgeous and her dance was perfect and flawless like always!

Love you guys, see you soon! Stay safe!💗🥰

Any guesses, who is the 'fine man' Lily is seeing?

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