"i blame wooseok hyung for never teaching me when to shut the fuck up."

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unfortunately, that all came to a standstill the same morning when minhee gets rudely awakened by the frantic rapping against his door at the asscrack of dawn.

minhee stretches lazily from his position on the floor and winces at the crack of his back and the old-man popping of his joints. he was never sleeping on the floor again, cute boy be damned.

while in the midst of getting up, minhee feels something soft on his head, and something in his throat constricts when he realises it's hyeongjun's hand on his head, and suddenly everything that happened last night punches him in the gut like an angry whirlwind.

he'd invited hyeongjun into his room.

he forced hyeongjun to wear his hoodie.

he slept next to hyeongjun .

minhee wants to pull on his hair and scream because no, that was not a fever dream last night. this was actually happening, oh my god he was going to have a fucking stroke. unsolicited panic runs through him remembering the shit he pulled last night, and he's close to losing it until the hand in his hair strokes his scalp again, and suddenly the panic washes away like it never happened.

"minhee?" hyeongjun yawns, and the stroking stops abruptly, hand going slack against the mattress and minhee wants to kick himself for wanting more, "it's so early...what's wrong?"

"someone's at the door," minhee replies, and hyeongjun bolts up from the bed.

the rapping intensifies and the duo can hear someone yelling from the other side of the door.

"hyeongjun? hyeongjun? are you in there? please answer me! whoever's in there you better be ready to throw hands if you hurt my hyeongjunnie! ohmygodohmygod hyung is gonna kill me -"

minhee kind of wants to let the person behind the door die, mostly because it's the asscrack of dawn, and minhee likes to lie in until it's past afternoon, and also because who the fuck gave him the right to call hyeongjun "my hyeongjunnie"?

"if you don't open the door, he'll probably try to break it, he's a bit extreme like that." minhee doesn't ask why hyeongjun knows this but he doesn't like paying for things he hasn't broken (yet), so he grudgingly gets up and unlocks the door.

"what," minhee deadpans, giving the best "fuck off" expression he can muster at the other person, who - like hyeongjun - is significantly shorter than minhee, messy greyish-pink hair, and thick salmon roe-looking lips that were drawn into a panicked grimace.

"where's hyeongjun? are you keeping him hostage? i swear to god if you did anything to him -"

"i let him crash in my room," minhee firmly cuts him off, already more annoyed than he usually is in the mornings, "and if you don't shut up you're going to wake up the entire campus." dipshit, minhee adds mentally.

pink-haired boy ignores him and attempts to tiptoe over minhee's larger frame, peeking over his wide shoulders to find the other boy, and if minhee subtly moves to the side in order to hide hyeongjun from his peripheral, the other doesn't comment on it.

the grimace on pink-haired boy visibly relaxes, and sweet relief washes over his face, and minhee knows it means hyeongjun has gotten up and is standing right behind him.

"hyeongjunnie, i -"

"we need to talk," minhee's eyes widen and he turns to the smaller boy, still in minhee's hoodie (minhee puffs with pride at that), holding his ex-boyfriend's sweater in his arms, "wonjin hyung."

wonjin ... isn't he the guy who made hyeongjun cry? minhee eyes this "wonjin" up and down, and decides right there and there; that the second he finds this dude in an empty alleyway, he's going to neck him.

"y-yeah, we do," wonjin stutters, flushing, and minhee notices this guy's stare sharpening as they travel up and down hyeongjun's body, eyes widening when he realises hyeongjun wearing something that definitely doesn't belong to either him or hyeongjun.

"minhee," minhee snaps back at the sound of hyeongjun's voice, in the soft, breathy little whisper that is stupidly addictive, "thank you for letting me stay the night."

"i-it's no problem...hyeongjun," minhee tries to look at anywhere that's not hyeongjun, who suddenly looks so much smaller and cuter now with his ridiculous bedhead, puffy eyes and hoodie sliding precariously off his pretty pale shoulder. it's illegal. minhee balls his fists.

"i'll return your hoodie as soon as i wash it," hyeongjun responds shyly, his eyes meeting minhee's own, and they look so much more luminescent under the morning sunlight, and minhee falls, falls so hard for them.

you can keep it for as long as you like, it looks good on you.

"i-i'm sorry?"

minhee blinks slowly, realizing that he spoke his thoughts aloud, and hyeongjun's cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink, puppy brown eyes widening at minhee's confession. minhee swears he can feel wonjin turn to look at him incredulously as if to say, "what?"

"uh." came minhee's unintelligible reply.

wonjin coughs behind him and minhee's reflexes respond too slowly as the pink-haired boy walks past him to grab onto an equally shocked hyeongjun's arm, and gently drags the smaller boy to the door.

"we'll drop off your clothes tomorrow," wonjin says, a little awkwardly, not meeting the giant in the eye, "thank you for er, giving hyeongjun a place to sleep."

minhee nods dumbly, eyes fixed onto hyeongjun's retreating back. he notices that hyeongjun's ears are a little red at the tips, but dismisses it as a figment of his imagination.

minhee just stands there stupidly even after the two shut the door behind him, even after he hears wonjin yelling at hyeongjun "who the hell was that guy?" and hyeongjun spluttering. its only when the door three rooms down suddenly slams shut before minhee allows his legs finally give out on him, and he presses his forehead against the wall and heaves a sigh.

and then he screeches

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