"dream for you."

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thankfully, minhee doesn't have to be alone in dongpyo's presence for much longer when he hears that all to familiar puppy-like patter of feet getting closer towards them and he almost doesn't expect it when hyeongjun practically jumps onto the taller boy's back with a energetic cry of "miniyah!" and almost topples them over with his weight.

"it took me some time but i found some cheese ramyeon! you like the tteokbokki one right? here you go — ah pyo! you're here too!"

and immediately minhee loses that comforting warmth by his side when an all-too energetic hyeongjun pounces on dongpyo and dongpyo's chilling demeanor fucking disintegrates on reflex as the small, pouty-faced boy cracks a giant smile and opens his arms wide open for hyeongjun's embrace.

"hyeongjun-ah~ why are you doing up so late? are you eating ramyeon again? your face will get puffy you know," dongpyo teases, hugging the poodle-haired boy close to him while discreetly giving minhee the finger behind hyeongjun's back.

minhee swears to fuck he's going to kill this brat one day. just you wait.

"as if you're not eating ramyeon too," hyeongjun pouts, pulling back and poking dongpyo's cheeks with his little forefingers and rubbing them happily, and minhee notices something a little strange.

dongpyo's eyes widen at hyeongjun's sudden affection, and his face goes red so fucking fast it reaches the tips of his ears. the expression goes as fast as it comes however — and dongpyo immediately schools his expression back to one of casual embarrassment and whines at hyeongjun to stop playing with his cheeks.

the exchange doesn't last very long. when dongpyo finishes making his ramyeon and tells the both of them (well, hyeongjun mostly) good night, minhee's a little surprised when hyeongjun offers dongpyo to join them for supper and the smaller boy instantly turns him down, his small eyes subtly lingering at the way hyeongjun held onto minhee's arm. minhee had figured that dongpyo would be the possessive best friend type to cockblock at every opportunity but...guess not?

strange, but very much appreciated.

soon enough the kettle starts boiling and they quickly make their ramen before carefully tiptoeing back to minhee's dorm. not for long, they're back into the same cuddling position again from before, hyeongjun's fluffy little head on minhee's shoulder, laptop on minhee's lap, happily ingesting 3 days worth of sodium intake while watching the next season of black mirror.

minhee's already forgotten the encounter from beforehand - locked away in his brain to think about for another time when hyeongjun isn't essentially lying halfway on his lap — as they cuddle a little closer than friends should be allowed to, captivated in a heartwarming, but extremely depressing episode of black mirror.

the hours tick by slowly as minhee's eyelids slowly get heavier and heavier, the weight of the day's events finally getting to him. he barely processes it when his head slumps down on to the pillow naturally, his body giving out on him. he hears a little coo of "shh, it's okay, just sleep" as familiar, soft fingers slowly thread through his hair again, giving him soothing, gentle caresses as he gives in to the sensation and shuts his eyes close — and his mind drifts.

that night, he dreams about pretty boys and their magical headpats, and their deep, thickly satoori giggles.

MINISONG | i'm seeing stars (and they belong in your eyes)Where stories live. Discover now