"hyeongjun as a wifey is such a concept."

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and that's exactly what they do.

minhee barely has time to set down his bag down before hyeongjun barges in, guns blazing, arms filled with an arsenal of snacks: chocopie, pocky, chips, coke and a whole other variety of extremely unhealthy sadness food. he dumps them all on the coffee table right in front of minhee.

it's kinda funny how satisfied hyeongjun looks. his hands on his hips, smug grin, clearly enjoying the stunned expression on minhee's face at the sight of all the junk food on his table.

"....wow," minhee deadpans, "and you call me out for eating ramyeon everyday?"

minhee dodges the playful smack that comes his way and smirks when hyeongjun plops down inelegantly next to him, pouting.

"i bring snacks into your home, and all i get is slander," hyeongjun sighs dramatically, covering his face, mock sobbing, "you wound me, miniyah."

"i said nothing of the sort. you merely assumed the worst out of my implication. thus, it is not considered slander," minhee explains innocently, making hyeongjun remove his hands from his face to glare at him.

"you law majors are insufferable."

"i'm a psych major."

hyeongjun waves at him dismissively. "same thing. both are insufferable."

minhee laughs, genuinely forgetting that he's supposed to be avoiding hyeongjun in the first place and reaches over to grab the entire chocopie box from the pile of junk food. he rips it open and immediately starts inhaling the entire damn box like it was water. man, he hasn't had junk food in ages.

"miniyah, don't hug all the chocopie!" hyeongjun whines, aghast as minhee continues to nom one pie after another like a robot, and the smaller boy attempts to grab the box out of the taller boy's possession, to no avail. all minhee simply has to do is wave the box above his head (like the annoying shit he is) and enjoy the look of frustration on hyeongjun's face as he's practically crawling over minhee to grab the box out of his -

wait -

before minhee can even process what's happening, hyeongjun drops himself right smack onto minhee's lap and snatches the box right out of the giant's grip in a momentary lapse of distraction.

"gotcha~!" hyeongjun cheers, and then squeaks as his foot slides off the couch and his entire body topples off-balance. minhee reflexively grabs onto the smaller boy's legs and hauls him back onto his lap, a little "oof" escaping hyeongjun as his chest bumps against minhee's. minhee has a brief moment of gay panic when hyeongjun instinctively locks his arms around minhee, pressing his face into the crook of the taller boy's neck in the heat of the moment.

ohlordpleasedon'tlistentomyheartbeatiswearit'sbeatingfasterthanwhenseungwoohyungproposedtowooseokhyung -

minhee tries not to think too much about how close they are, how smooth hyeongjun's bare thighs feel in his hands, or how his hands just so easily engulfs them without any effort. soft thighs squish, minhee's muddled brain supplies. he needs to teach his brain to shut the fuck up.

"oops, sorry minhee," hyeongjun giggles softly, and he's warm, so warm, his weight feeling so oddly right in minhee's lap, his honey lemon body scent permeating stronger than ever, "here, as an apology."

hyeongjun rips the wrapper off a chocopie and presses the chocolatey, chewy treat against minhee's lips. heart pounding in his ears, minhee opens his mouth and instantly inhales the entire pie whole, the embarrassed flush on his cheeks prominent as he chews, maintaining vivid eye contact with a cheeky hyeongjun.

"you're gonna get fat if you eat that many chocopies," hyeongjun teases, bopping minhee's nose with the tip of his pointer finger, chuckling. minhee hums, slowly loosening his iron grip around hyeongjun's legs, eyebrows raised at the pretty sophomore's overly giddy behavior.

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