"i only have like, 4 contacts on my phone."

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minhee spends the rest of the week avoiding hyeongjun.

he takes the long way round to classes so he doesn't accidentally bump into hyeongjun when he's dancing in the corridor. he avoids the café hyeongjun & gang frequent like it's the plague. and on days where he has shifts at said café, he makes sure woobin doesn't abandon him like last time and coerces the other staff member to serve their group as an apology for leaving minhee to the wolves the first time round.

woobin (it must be fate that minhee ends up with him as his shift partner every single time ) doesn't put up much a fight on this - oddly enough - his usual gag-like retorts falling flat at the sight of his dongsaeng's desperate expression. he briefly makes a passing comment on how minhee's smile felt like a lie after seeing the emotional state the younger student was in now and minhee simply brushes the older staff member off with a tired smile and reassures him that it's nothing.

he makes sure he's completely holed up in the library when he's not in classes, and only gets back to the dorms after 1AM so he doesn't accidentally run into the smaller boy. he's never seen hyeongjun in a library before, so he knows that it's his safe place. for now, anyway.

that being said. in the midst of avoiding hyeongjun, he manages to run into every other person in hyeongjun's friendship circle in return. it's an ironic twist of fate, to be honest. minhee doesn't know whether to feel intimidated or touched that they actually remember him from their last encounter, but it's an interesting change of pace - even if he feels a little overwhelmed by the sudden attention.

he bumps into hangyul while the older boy is running back to practice. hangyul sees the taller boy and breaks into an infectious grin, and asks what kind of song minhee is listening to. his smile turns into a gawk of horror when minhee reveals that it's an english learning audio, and minhee gets a good laugh at hangyul's reaction before exchanging byes as hangyul jogs back to practice.

minhee gets accosted by seungyoun the very next day in the midst of carrying a box of tapes to the school's recording room. the extroverted, catlike senior spots him and instantly engages minhee for some wanted assistance with his portfolio. he lets minhee listen to some of the tracks he's helped produced - insisting on hearing a "second opinion" - and minhee is in love .

with seungyoun's music. not seungyoun, obviously .

seungyoun is thoroughly amused by minhee's awed fascination, and the music production major ends up sending the younger boy a link to his spotify albums. minhee instantly adds all of his senior's songs to his playlist on the spot without hesitation. it's good studying music, the psych major thinks approvingly. the elder ruffles the taller boy's hair affectionately and buys him chicken feet from the cafeteria as a thank you in return.

(stream pool by woodz for good grades, y'all.)

he runs into yohan, allen and serim at the library - which was oddly packed, much to minhee's annoyance - later during the day, and the bunny-like yohan excitedly waves minhee over to join their little study group. minhee had been a little apprehensive at first, but gives in when serim moves over and pats the seat next to him - but not without shooting the sophomore one of his flirtatious little smiles that minhee is already immune to.

he's surprised when allen stares at him dead in the eye and apologizes for his accusation on monday, admitting that he jumped the gun regarding hyeongjun a little too quickly, and that he hoped the younger student didn't take his threat to heart at all.

and while minhee still finds the group of junior boys a little intimidating, the intimidation dies away fairly quickly when allen eagerly pulls minhee into a heated discussion on psychology theories after finding out the younger's major - much to the other two boys' chargrin. they've probably had the same discussion with allen too many times to count and are probably horrified at the thought of another overly-passionate mini-allen (ha, good meme) joining their group.

minhee has never been invited to a study group before - he was the top student back in high school after all. and he doesn't know whether study groups are supposed to be this unproductive - what with allen constantly picking verbal fights, serim flirting and yohan being yohan - but he's had a surprising amount of fun with it so far. even with yohan constantly poking his cheeks in fascination and nicknaming him "a cute tree" and serim being awfully transparent and unsubtle about "getting to know minhee better", he's genuinely enjoying himself in the company of the older boys, and is a little disappointed when they get up to leave for club activities.

( they exchange numbers after, and promise to inform minhee on more study group dates, and minhee walks back to the dorms with a little more pep to his step at the three new numbers on his growing contacts list.)

on thursday, minhee's public affairs professor lee dongwook decides to split the class up for group discussions, and the psych major ends up being paired up with wonjin - of all people - as well as the two boys who sat with hyeongjun during poli sci.

he learns their names were eunsang and junho, and that they were apparently one of the most iconic sophomore couples on campus. minhee also learns that the pair were also one of the most grossly, disgustingly touchy couples on campus, and he has an oddly interesting time bonding with wonjin over mocking the sophomore couple's excessive PDA.

heck, they could give his own seungwoo and wooseok hyung a run for their money with the amount of pet names that were thrown around during the entire discussion.

he forgets the fact that they were supposed to be discussing pubic affairs - too humored by this chaotic group dynamic - until wonjin nudges him in the ribs while the other two get distracted in a competition over who could out-compliment the other without turning red (eunsang was currently winning).

"hey, about the other day..." minhee quirks an iconic eyebrow at wonjin's line of questioning, the other boy running his hand through his hair sheepishly, "you know, back at the dorm."

ah , the dislike he has for wonjin comes back in full force, and minhee's stare hardens. he was probably going to tell minhee that he and hyeongjun were back together again despite how hard he made the younger boy cry that night -

"i just wanted to say...thank you. for giving hyeongjun a place to sleep. and for giving him a shoulder to cry on. you didn't have to, but you did anyway," wonjin says quietly, not wanting the others to hear. minhee blinks in surprise, not expecting to hear words of gratitude coming out from the older's mouth.

"hyeongjunnie told me about everything that night. i know we got off on the wrong foot, and you probably don't think very highly of me after what happened, but i just wanted to thank you. for being there for hyeongjun, and for not kicking my face in when i almost broke your door down," wonjin flashes him an awkward smile, and shit , why is he making it so hard for minhee to hate his guts?

"i...hurt him a lot that night, and i got unjustifiably upset with him afterwards. i ended up saying a lot of stuff that i didn't mean, and i was sure he was never going to talk to me again. i wasn't expecting him to confront me about it - hyeongjunnie isn't exactly the confrontational type, you know - so i was really surprised when he initiated the discussion first. whether you unintentionally pushed him to that decision or not, i'll never know. but...we're good now. so....thank you. again."

minhee stiffly nods, not really knowing what to say.

his view of wonjin is still relatively skewed. but, he admits, he dislikes the older boy a little less now. after all, it's difficult to hate someone who's just so honest and self-aware of their own actions, and was completely unapologetic when it came to owning up to said actions.

"also," wonjin coughs, averting his eyes away from minhee's intense gaze, "not that this is in any way related whatsoever, but hyeongjun is single now. very. very much single."

wonjin is suddenly minhee's second most favorite person on campus. 

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