"why the fuck are short people so mf scary."

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minhee is a weak man.

truly, truly a weak man, his brain taunts.

but his heart is telling his brain, fuck you, i'm eating with the cutest boy in the world at 1AM so take that! minhee yawns as he makes his way to the communal kitchen to prepare hot water while hyeongjun's rummaging around his room for ramyeon. it's kind of exciting, minhee thinks - as he shivers at the sudden draft entering the halls - not just at the idea of hanging out with hyeongjun, but hanging out with him this late into the night eating ramyeon and maybe talking about feelings and watching the next season of black mirror. it feels like he's committing a crime, doing non-study and non-introvert things late into the night, with the accompaniment of a literal human angel next to him. minhee wonders what good deeds he's done in his past life to deserve this.

not good enough, apparently.

because just as he's blinking away the sudden harshness of the kitchen lights, maneuvering carefully around the kitchen island, his heart and brain instantly stops functioning when he's come face to face with a sleepy-looking son dongpyo clad in penguin pajamas also boiling water for his instant noodles.

they seem to have some cursed connection, because just as minhee catches sight of dongpyo, dongpyo spins around and freezes as he catches sight of minhee.

this is significantly the less romantic version of a meet cute, minhee internally panics, and he notices how swollen the smaller boy's eyes look, his lips bitten raw and red and what seemed like dried tear tracks on his puffy little cheeks. the kid looks like he's been through the ringer and back and minhee really, really doesn't want to feel guilty about this but the guilt from this afternoon returns in full force and hits him straight in the gut like a bulldozer on a freeway.

"hey, look i —" dongpyo cuts him off with the raise of his hand.

"d-don't. don't. don't even start," the smaller boy's voice is shaky as he trembles with his words. minhee waits patiently as dongpyo heaves a long, shaky sigh, before looking up to stare minhee dead in the eye and mutter, "i'm sorry."

minhee blinks once. then blinks twice.


dongpyo's frown deepens.

"i'm sorry for saying that shit to you earlier today. it was completely unsolicited and unwarranted, not to mention very irrational," dongpyo shuts his eyes for a moment before resuming his little apology, "i also apologise for what i said about you and hyeongjun. i actually don't know what he thinks about you. and i don't really care."

mmm. sounds fake but okay.

the psych major blinks for the third time, really slowly. dongpyo's furiously rubbing his eyes with his pajama sleeve, and minhee...doesn't really feel much of anything. the last thing he's expecting on this rollercoaster of a day is an apology literally coming from the mouth of the one person he's sure hates his guts - and minhee is 99% sure that dongpyo still hates him even as he's apologizing.

this kind of feels anti-climax, minhee laments.

"but i will not fucking forgive you for playing with jjunie's heart like that, you piece of shit."

hold up.


W A I T.

W H A T.

minhee shakes his head in bewilderment.


"i won't spread anything out of respect, but if you know what's good for you, you'll stop leading hyeongjun on. now i didn't peg professor han to be the type to be playing around with his students, but i guess —" dongpyo gives a little muffled shriek as minhee practically lunges at the younger boy and clamps his mouth shut with his hand.

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