"shit means a lot of different things."

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minhee jerks awake to the rude awakening of something heavy and metal crashing onto the floor and a loud "shit!" that snaps him out of his dreamy haze.

the first thing he notices is the lack of a familiar, petite body next to him, which — while unfortunate — explains the frantic flurry of panicked footsteps and sudden activity in his kitchen. and while he himself isn't too fond of noise, he can't help but think about how oddly reassuring it is to hear the presence of living humans existing in his formerly two-person dorm room.

the second thing he notices is the burning smell.

"hyeongjunnie? are you okay?" minhee drawls sleepily, arms stretching over his head like a disgruntled cat. he props himself onto one elbow and slowly rubs the tiredness out of his eyes. it had been a long evening, after all.

"what's going on?"

"n-nothing!" hyeongjun squeaks out.

god, that's the cutest fucking sound in the world. 

"i smell something burning," minhee mutters sleepily, still little exhausted from last night, "if you're planning on committing insurance fraud, arson really is the way to go. might as well get some money out of it if you're going to sacrifice my body to the flames in the process."

he hears more metal clatter to the floor and a loud guffaw and a splutter of indignation from behind the counter.

"oh my good minhee, you're hysterical," the mysterious intruder giggles. minhee warily watches on as the bane of his existence ham wonjin grabs onto the kitchen counter to haul himself over, cheeks bright and tears in his eyes. and was it just him or was wonjin's hair pastel fucking pink? 

i must be dreaming, minhee muses, deeming it proper to get his sorry ass out of bed. he ignores the adorable squeak from behind the counter as he groggily approaches the duo to see the damage done.

there are several things he notices.

first, there was the burnt pan lying on the floor, the smoke thick and heady enough to make minhee worry about smoke alarms. second was the questionable red stain next to it (whether it was blood or ketchup, minhee wasn't fully ready to find out). he also notices an array of kitchen utensils he's never seen before in his kitchen — rules did state that students weren't allowed to bring in anything to the dorms that could spontaneously set itself on fire — such as a microwave, a portable stove, and...a crock pot?

but all of those things he ignores without missing a beat. not because hyeongjun was cowering on the floor holding a plate of burnt eggs, looking up at him with the most devastating set of puppy dog eyes he's ever seen in his life, but —

"why are there several fire hazards on my kitchen counter." minhee diverts his embarrassing monologue away  from hyeongjun to an amused wonjin, said hyung casually leaning against the counter like he didn't just try to set minhee's dorm on fire a mere five seconds ago.

"you mean the microwave? or the stove?"

"no, i meant the annoying couple three dorms down that don't understand the concept of privacy and public decency and constantly having sexual intercourse on the daily as if abstinence wasn't a thing — no shit i meant the microwave and the stove," minhee snaps tiredly, not ready to deal with this shit so early in the morning. especially how he had fantasized earlier about waking up next to hyeongjun and being blessed by his chubby cheeks and sleepy pout as he'd gently shake hyeongjun awake while combing through his curly messy bedhead —

haha calm down kang minhee your delulu is showing —

— not to be cockblocked by his infuriatingly handsome and hard to hate ex-boyfriend.

why was he even here?

"jjunie here," wonjin gestures to the awkward boy, still holding his poor burnt eggs in his hands, face downcast, imitating a kicked puppy, "wanted to make you the most adorable breakfast ever despite the fact that he can't cook for shit —"

"hyung, shut up," hyeongjun hissed, eyes wide in panic, the elder ignoring the younger's protest as wonjin carefully kept eye contact with minhee, wrapping a casual arm around his pretty ex-boyfriend, smirking as minhee bristled at the act of physical affection.

"so he enlisted my help, and being the wonderful hyung that i am, brought over some amazing high-grade cooking technology to make that process easier." wonjin puffed out his chest in pride. "i'm amazing right, minhee? tell me that i am."

"you mean that you somehow stole the microwave and portable stove from the dorm kitchen and brought it back here to cover up your grand theft," minhee deadpans, picking up the microwave and turning it to the side, exposing the school verification sticker on the back.

wonjin pouts, and minhee can briefly understand how easy it is to forgive this silly hyung for literally anything.

hyeongjun sighs, bringing back the attention on him as he looks upon sadly on his burning eggs. minhee — in a moment of unexpected chivalry — sets the microwave down and reaches over to pat the smaller boy's head. his heart seizes at the little bop of hyeongjun's head as minhee continues patting him, and tells himself he's just imagining things when hyeongjun subconsciously nuzzles into his palm.

puppy behavior...

"i'm sorry mini-yah...i couldn't even make scrambled eggs," hyeongjun mutters depressingly, gesturing to the mess of his eggs in his hands, "i'll just throw them away —"

and kang minhee — the fucking ballsy king he is — snatches the sad pile of eggs from hyeongjun's hands and downs it like it's beer (not as if he's had any).

hyeongjun gapes at him, frozen in place, as minhee painstakingly swallows every morsel of egg down his gullet.

meanwhile wonjin just stares at the taller boy in awe, jaw dropped, impressed and lowkey horrified at the same time.

in any other news minhee is fucking dying because the eggs were salty and bitter and completely charred and it felt like he was eating literal sodium. but the look of glittery, wide-eyed adoration and tearful pout on hyeongjun's face? worth every bite.

man, he is way too whipped for the kid.

"oh my god minhee stop!" hyeongjun splutters, reaching out to snatch the plate out of minhee's hands but minhee moves it away from hyeongjun's reach as he swallows the last bite of "breakfast" like the madman he is.

"what? you shouldn't waste food," minhee smiles, showing the mostly empty plate to the horrified duo, "and it's just a little bit salty, that's all. don't worry. i liked it."

liar, his rational brain tells him, it tastes like dog shit and orphans' tears. 

wonjin slowly claps, slowly and carefully walking towards minhee as he brings a firm hand down the pysch student's shoulder. his eyes are wide in awe and concern. minhee does not have a good feeling about that look.

"minhee...you're a true man," wonjin whispers conspiratorially, "hyeongjun's cooking is literally inedible. it's borderline ingesting poison. the last time he made food hangyul hyung was throwing up for over an hour. godspeed to you, kang minhee. godspeed."

minhee's stomach churns loudly and he starts to feel a little queasy.

well shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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