• Unsaid Goodbyes [YWM E3] •

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Istg I'm on a roll rn
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"Should I buy something for them..?" Shigeo mumbled as he looks through the shops inside the airport of Japan. He thought of buying you some of your favorite sweets, clothing, or maybe even some jewelry. He fully knows that you don't like being spoiled with expensive stuff but he likes spoiling his family and friends. Especially you for that matter.

"I'll just buy them their favorite flowers and sweets... They don't like being spoiled after all, haha" Shigeo muttered to himself and let out a quiet chuckle when he looked back to what you said during your first date.

"Shigeo! Please, let me pay for this one! You've been paying all night for the date! You know I can pay as well.." You pouted at him as you crossed your arms.

"But Y/n, it's not gentleman-like! Plus, it's alright..." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. You pouted even more.

"Pllleeeeeeaaaaassssseeee!!" He sighs.



He chuckles at the memory. You were such a ball of sunshine that he couldn't bring himself to say no to that cute face of yours. He proceeds to buy your favorite flowers and sweets. Putting the sweets in a little, cute designed, paper-bag.

"Now, time to go back home" He says as he dug his hand through his pocket. He manages to find his phone and dialed his brother. But before he can even dial his brother, his phone ringed.

Surprised, he checked the caller. In bold, white letters, spelled out his brother's name, "Ritsu". 'Looks like he's ahead of me' Shigeo chuckles. He answered the call.

"Hey, Ritsu! What's up?" Shigeo cooly greeted.

"Nii-san...I know it's late but..." Ritsu wavered.

"But? What do you mean, Ritsu?"

"Y/n is gone"

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The rain softly hit the family's black umbrellas at they stood before your grave. Your name engraved on a piece of concrete that dug into the now wet soil. The only one who didn't have an umbrella was the man himself, Shigeo Kageyama. But he could care less about his clothes. All he cares about is your passing.

He held the flowers he bought for you in his hand. Gripping it slightly to at least lessen the pain that's overwhelming him. He gazes at your grave blankly. Unable to cry or feel anything anymore. He only feels numb with a hint of sadness.

One by one, people left with heavy hearts but only Shigeo remained. He blames himself for everything. If only he was there beside you to ensure your safety, you would've been still alive.

His pale hand brought out a small black box from his pocket. Inside of it is a gold banded ring with a small diamond on top. He was going to propose to you today. To claim you his forever. But it seems like it's only a mere dream now. He sets down the bouquet on your grave and hid the small box in his pocket before solemnly glancing back at your grave.

"May we meet again in the afterlife and in the next life, my love"

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