• I'll protect you || Request •

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Requested by AshesOnFiree
Shigeo x Abused!Fem!Reader
Adult AU!

Curse words are included here!
Bf/n = Boyfriend's name
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'Are those... bruises?!' Shigeo thought in alarm when he saw the dark purple blemishes on your skin.

You were recently asked out by a guy you have liked for a while and started dating after a few dates. It started out sweet and romantic, just like how you've always imagined but as time went on, your boyfriend gradually turned aggressive. Leading to many fights and would often hurt you with no second thoughts.

Now you're here, standing in front of Shigeo's little apartment. Battered and bruised from the fight you just had with your boyfriend earlier. Shigeo quickly lets you in and ushered you to sit down on the couch while he goes to get his first aid kit.

You patiently sat on the comfy couch that his apartment provided, fiddling with your jacket's sleeve in an attempt to distract yourself from the pulsating pain. Before you knew it, Shigeo was already kneeling in front of you with the first aid kit in his hands and a gentle smile gracing his visage.

"Take off your jacket," He ordered in a soft voice as he fumbles with the contents inside of the kit. You slowly take off your jacket and showed him your fresh wounds. He grimaced at the sight of your bruises and the bleeding wounds but continued to aid you as gently as possible.

"What happened?" He asked in concern, his brows compressing together and his usually bored black irises now swirling with a heck ton of emotions. You anxiously gulped down and told him everything he needed to know.

You were honestly scared to tell him at first because you know how destructive he gets once he gets angry but told him anyway, acknowledging the fact that your relationship was worsening and things would get hectic if this goes on.

"And that's about it.." You huffed. Who knew explaining something could be so exhausting?

To your surprise, Shigeo kept calm and listened intently for the entirety of your confession. "You're not mad..?" You ask in shock. "Of course I am! Like, who wouldn't be?" He waves his hands around frantically, trying to prove his point.

"I'm just keeping a clear head, you know? I don't want to be going 100% without hearing at least a bit of your story." He chuckled with a small smile adorning his sharp features. You laughed along with him.

"Hey, how about you stay over here for the night, Y/n?" He offered abruptly, his gentle smile still present. You stopped laughing and looked at him in surprise with a mixture of shyness. A soft blush appeared on your face. "EHHH?? Shi-Shigeo! Did you forget that I'm a w-woman and that y-you're a man???" You sputtered, clearly flustered by his bold offer.

His face then went as red as yours. "I-I mean, i-if you w-want to, that is! I'm j-just worried, that's all!" He reassured you in visible panic and embarrassment. Shigeo buried his face into his hands. "I would never do a-anything to y-you, you know..." He shyly says, his voice muffled into his hands.

You rest your hand onto his shoulder and laughed a bit at his cuteness. "Alright then, Shigeo! I'll stay for the night. I need a break from that douche, anyways!" You smiled. Shigeo raised his face from his hands and smiled back. "Alright, alright. I'll sleep here on the couch and you can sleep on my bed! You need it much more than me." He said as he went to go get an extra pillow and blanket.

"Wha?- Wait, Shigeo! It's alright if I sleep on the couch instead!-" You shut your mouth, knowing fully well that Shigeo won't allow you to sleep on the couch instead of his bed. You sighed tiredly and dragged yourself to his room. (You used to visit his apartment all the time so you know around the place.)

You crawled onto the soft bed and went under the black duvet, the softness and warmness of the bed lulling you to sleep. 'Smells like him..' You last thought before you feel yourself doze off to wonderland.

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"I'll be off now! Thanks for letting me stay over!" You waved at your best friend as you begin to walk out of the door. "Wait, Y/n! Can I come with you? I don't feel like you should go there by your own.." Shigeo trails off, his face twinging into a concerned expression. He locks his apartment's door and walks up to you.

"No, you'll get caught! Who knows what could happen if you get caught by that ass!?" You placed your hands on his shoulders and shook him a little. Shigeo frowned a bit. "Y/n, did you forget that I'm a psychic? You should be more worried about yourself rather than me." Oop he got ya there.

"S-Still! I know how much you hate violence!-"
"I don't mind using violence if it means to protect you." He nonchalantly answered, his eyes boring into yours. Your cheeks heated up a little bit upon hearing his declaration.

"Fineee.. Just stay a little away from me, okay?" You huffed out a exasperated sigh. Shigeo smiled and hummed in agreement, happy that he won. With that, you both walked your way back with Shigeo trailing behind you.

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You stood in front of your apartment's door nervously, your anxiety peaking as you thought of terrifying scenarios that your boyfriend might do. You glanced at Shigeo with worried gaze. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." He mouthed with a comforting smile. Shigeo wasn't that far from you, though. He was about two doors away watching carefully.

You turn your attention back to the door in front of you and inhaled deeply. You raised your hand and shakily twisted the doorknob, peeking through the small space in between. "Bf/n, I'm back..!" No response.

Not long after you announced your arrival, the sound of heavy footsteps approached the door. A messy-haired man around your age appeared before you with a deep frown settling on his face. "Oh, you're back." He coldly spat. You gave him a shaky smile, cowering a behind the door a bit. "Haha... Yea.."

Your boyfriend then caught the smell of Shigeo's perfume. "You slept with another man, didn't you?!" He accusingly points a finger at you, his voice full of anger and malice. You winced. "I-I didn't! I swear..!" You pleaded as you fearfully backed away from the aggravated man. Your boyfriend reached for a beer bottle and raised it while eyeing you. "You fucking slut!"

He slams the bottle to your head. But before the bottle could even reach your head, a colorful aura surrounded Bf/n's hand, halting it from its movement.

"Back. Off." Shigeo muttered dangerously low as his hair shadowed his face. He gazed at your boyfriend with a red glint in his eyes. Bf/n trembled, greatly terrified at the glowering psychic.

Bf/n yelped in pain as he felt his hand being crushed. Shigeo pulled you away before glaring again at Bf/n with such intensity. "Can you feel my animosity?" He calmly inquired, his stature towering over the quivering and scared man.

You tugged Shigeo's shirt to calm him down and fixed your gaze to Bf/n; your determination wavering as you stared at him. "We're over now, Bf/n. Thanks for the memories." You sent him a sad smile. "You heard her, now scram." It took no longer than a second to get Bf/n up and running with his tail between his legs.

"Now that's over, let's take a break. I bet you were scared.." Shigeo mumbled softly as he grasped your hand in his and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. He tugs your hand and leads you inside of your apartment.

Shigeo spent the whole night at your place comforting and treating you better than what that douchebag did ^-^

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And that's a wrap! Thanks for reading! Hopefully you liked this AshesOnFiree ! <3

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