2. Dustpelt and Sandstorm

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Ugh, why does Sandstorm always hang out with that kittypet these days? I'm going to get my revenge soon Sandstorm. And you will be mine.

"Sandstorm!" Dustpelt called when he got near to her. Sandstorm gave him a "can't you see I'm in the middle of something" look but paddled over.

"What Dustpelt? I left Graystripe alone just to come over here so it better be good!" Sandstorm hissed.

"Do you want to go hunting with me?" Dustpelt asked. Every cat in Thunderclan knew that Sandstorm was the best hunter in the whole clan.

"I don't see why not," Sandstorm mewed. "Who else will be coming?"

" How about Runningwind and Ashpaw?" Sandstorm nodded in agreement. She and Dustpelt sat together in silence for a few heartbeats until Dustpelt decided it was time to get going. "Runningwind, Ashpaw!" He called. Moments later, Runningwind came bounding from the fresh-kill pile while Ashpaw emerged from the apprentice's den. The four headed out towards the Riverclan border where Fireheart should be if his plan worked.

"Squirrel!" Sandstorm called as she dashed into the bushes. When she came back, she had prey dangling at her jaws. Dustpelt caught two mice, Runningwind caught a plump rabbit, while Ashpaw caught a blackbird and a shrew. My apprentice is turning into a good hunter. Maybe I can get his and Fernpaw's trust to help beat Fireheart from getting Sandstorm. Dustpelt thought.

"I smell Riverclan!" Ashpaw hissed while they strolled towards the Riverclan border. Dustpelt sniffed the air. Indeed, there was a strong and fresh scent of Riverclan nearby.

"Shush! We can sneak up on them," Dustpelt whispered. So, they did, and when they reached where the Riverclan cat(s) were, Sandstorm gasped.

"What is Fireheart doing with her?" Sandstorm spat. At the motion of sound, Fireheart and the Riverclan she-cat turned around.

"S-Sandstorm, what are you doing here?" Fireheart stammered. The Riverclan she-cat wrapped her tail protectively around him.

"I should be leaving Fireheart. I can see that your clanmates don't welcome me here in your territory." Then, she paddled off and left to Riverclan territory.

"What are you doing Fireheart?" Runningwind hissed. Fireheart looked startled. In his time in Thunderclan, Runningwind had been one of the most friendliest cats to him. But now, he didn't look even a bit friendly. "I'm telling Bluestar too!" he added.

When they got to camp, the news of Fireheart meeting a Riverclan she-cat had spread around the camp. Dustpelt heard Fireheart and Graystripe agruing in the distance.

"Why were you with a Riverclan cat? Who was it?" Graystripe asked.

"That wasn't any Riverclan cat, that was Silverstream!" Fireheart argued.

"S-Silverstream? My, Silverstream?" Graystripe questioned with a look of pain on his face. At this time, Dustpelt saw Sandstorm paddling up to him.

"Hey Sandstorm." he greeted.

"Hi! Dustpelt! I um actually need to ask you something." she murmured. "W-W-Will you be my m-mate?" she stuttered.

"Yes! Yes! A hundred times yes! Wait, don't you love that kittypet?" Dustpelt asked.

"I used to. I only loved him because I thought he was so loyal to his adopted clan. But today, he was not showing a single bit of loyalty to the clan." Sandstorm replied. "To be honest, I liked you for a while now, though I wasn't sure if you felt the same way for me because you are always with Fernpaw." she added.

"I'm sorry Sandstorm. I always liked you too. It's just that Fernpaw made me happy when you were spending time with Fireheart and Graystripe. But, she's only a friend." Dustpelt reassured.

==========Moons Later==========

"Yellowfang, the kits are coming!" Dustpelt yowled. He and Sandstorm had been mates for over 4 moons and Dustpelt was overjoyed when he realized Sandstorm was expecting his kits. Take that, kittypet! Dustpelt thought. At this time, Yellowfang rushed over to the nursery with Cinderpaw closely behind.

"Go get your mate a stick to help with the pain!" Yellowfang ordered.

"Right away!" Dustpelt promised. When he came back, he had to go get moss for Sandstorm when she finished kitting. When the kitting started, Yellowfang made Dustpelt wait outside. "There isn't enough room!" she had said. So, Dustpelt was forced to wait while he heard his mate send out yowled of pain.

"Dustpelt, you can come in!" Cinderpaw told him as she and Yellowfang went back to the medicine cat den. Dustpelt rushed into the nursery and almost burst with joy when he saw that Sandstorm had five tiny kits with her. Three toms and two she-cats.

"What do we name them?" Dustpelt asked.

"How about Lightkit for the tabby she-cat and Oakkit for the dark-ginger tom?" Sandstorm asked.

"They're perfect. How about Leafkit for the light brown she-cat, Amberkit for the ginger tom, and Ryekit for the brown tom?" Dustpelt replied.

"Good choices!" Sandstorm mewed.

==========Many Many Moons Later========== 

"I, Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these four apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warriors in their turn." Then, turning to Lightpaw, Oakpaw, Amberpaw, and Ryepaw, he said,

"Lightpaw, Oakpaw, Amberpaw, and Ryepaw. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend this clan even with the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"I do."

"I do."

"I do."

"Lightpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Lightwing. Starclan honors your strength and courage as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. Oakpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Oakstorm. Starclan honors your bravery and cleverness as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. Amberpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Amberlight. Starclan honors your courage and speed as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. Ryepaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Ryestalk. Starclan honors your loyalty and intelligence as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan."

"Lightwing, Oakstorm, Amberlight, and Ryestalk!" Everyone called. Leaffeather, who got her full medicine cat name only a sunrise ago, cheered the loudest for her littermates.

Lightwing and Graystripe had Nightfeather and Hazelspark. Lightwing and Ravenclaw, (Ravenpaw's warrior name if he stayed) had Streamstone. Oakstorm and Mistyfoot (yeah it's the Riverclan one) had Iceshine, Alderblaze, Petalbrook, and Wolfsky. Amberlight and Ferncloud had Icelight and Ashleap. Ryestalk and Sootfur, (yeah it is a gay couple) had Doefleck, Skyleap, and Pearlight. Once again, please comment on what ship story I should do next and if you're the first, you will get a shout-out in my next story.

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