3. Swiftpaw and Brightpaw

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"Brightpaw, let's go kill the things that are attacking our clan!" Swiftpaw mewed as he paddled up to her.

"I don't know about that one Swiftpaw... we might die while doing it." Brightpaw replied with uneasiness in her eyes.

"But then Bluestar will make us warriors!" Swiftpaw argued with a determined look on his face.

"O-okay then." Brightpaw replied.

"Let's go!" Swiftpaw shouted while he charged out of camp with Brightpaw behind him. They followed the scent of the animal and realized that it was dogs.

"Dogs!" Brightpaw hissed.

"It's okay.." Swiftpaw murmured. "Stay with me!" They attacked the dogs as one by one, they went down.

"We did it!" Brightpaw cheered. They had both loss chunks of fur and they both were bleeding. "Help!!!" Brightpaw called when she realized she was falling unconscious. Moments later, a Thunderclan patrol heard them and came to rescue them. They scooped them up onto their backs and took them to see Cinderpelt.

==========When They Woke Up==========

"You're finally awake." Cinderpelt's soft mew said. They blinked a few times as it they didn't know where they were. "Your in the Thunderclan medicine den." Cinderpelt said as if reading their mind. To the cats waiting outside, she called, "Their awake! Come in! Come in!" Moments later, the den as crowded; full of cats praising them.

"So maybe Starclan isn't at war with us after all..." Bluestar murmured. "Well, if your well enough to come, we got some warrior ceremonies to do!" Everyone cheered to that comment. Bluestar leaped onto highrock as Thunderclan gathered below her.

"I, Bluestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down at these four apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code and I command them as warriors to you in their return." Then, turning to Swiftpaw, Brightpaw, Cloudpaw, and Thornpaw, she said,

"Brightpaw, Swiftpaw, Cloudpaw, and Thornpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend this clan even with the cost of your life?"

"I do."


"Starclan isn't real but yah." (this is totally not Cloudpaw)

"I do."

"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name(s). Brightpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Brightfeather. Starclan honors your loyaltly and bravery as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. Swiftpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Swiftblaze.  Starclan honors your courage and strength as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. Cloudpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Cloudtail. Starclan honors your cleverness and courage as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan. Thornpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Thornstorm. Starclan honors your strength and loyalty as we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan."

"Brightfeather, Swiftblaze, Cloudtail, and Thornstorm!" Thunderclan called.

==========Moons Later==========

"Cinderpelt! Help Brightfeather please! She's giving birth." Swiftblaze pleaded. He and Brightfeather had been mates for a long time now and Swiftblaze was overjoyed when he realized Brightfeather was expecting his kits. Cinderpelt rushed into the nursery as Brightfeather let out a yowl of pain. What felt like moons later, Cinderpelt came out.

"Swiftblaze, you're officially a father. Brightfeather has a tom and a she-cat." Swiftblaze purred as he bolted into the nursery.

"Swiftblaze, the black she-cat can be Starkit and the ginger-amber tom can be Perchkit." Swiftblaze purred once again as he saw his kits.


"Starlight and Perchwing!" the clan cheered. Swiftblaze and Brightfeather purred as the saw their kits get their warrior name(s).

Starlight and Icecloud had Flameclaw, Nightshadow, and Heatherbreeze. Perchwing and Bumblestripe had Frostgaze.

 This chapter (story) was made for oopsverse. So... shout-out to oopsverse! Comment down below who is your favorite warrior cat! See ya next time!!

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