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// HOPE //

The sound of a can opening filled the room therefore causing our attention to snap towards the entrance. There stood a man that looks to be... homeless. He had gloves on that was cut off at the fingers as well as a wooly jacket. Personally, I think he was a mad man that they have definitely got him off the streets, the weather outside was summer meaning it was at 30 degrees or higher. This man is either really cold during the summer times or is absolutely insane.

Long locks on blonde hair fell along his face, stuck in dread locks from not being constantly washed every once and a while. Some of the locks in his hair is blonder than others, this mean that he probably really blonde or his been staying indoors for a long period of time without any sunlight. A scruffy blonde bread hanged around his mouth as he went to take a slip out of his can. 'Is that a bread crumb?' I thought to myself as I close my eyes slightly to get a closer look.

Another hint that I got from him that he was sensitive to sunlight that this moment was the dark clothing and sunglasses.

Tony walked slightly behind him dressed in more active clothing compare to this morning. He currently carrying a long metallic looking tube, this will allow us to find out if this time machine idea will work. "You're drifting left" He spoke clearly towards the homeless bloke that was swaying side to side a little. "One side there, Lebowski" he said again before going about of this 'Lebowski' guy and towards the time machine. "Ratchet, Hope, how's it going?" he called out again although you were able to hint the determination in his voice.

Behind my back there was a racoon behind me that was sort out the mechanical structure of the time machine. I was currently helping him with the structure by being his assistance, this means when he calls out for different equipment I have to go and get it for him. He was currently trying to screw something attached to the machine while I was too busy thinking about the homeless bloke that just entered the building.

"It's Rocket" he called out with a hint of annoyance in his voice although he was too busy focusing on the problem him front of him. He stopped screwing to look behind him a little behind before saying some sarcastically towards him, "take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal".

A small chuckle escaped my lips as I looked down towards the floor and back up towards Tony. A serious look filled his face as his eyebrows raised a little which caused my chucking to stop. "Good, it's going good" I responded back to his previous question since I knew that Rocket was too busy focus on the machine in front of him.

My hazel eyes snapped towards the other new male that was in this room, he seems to he a relationship with Tony and Rocket. I nodded my head towards the guy while I crossed my arms over one and another. "Who this guy?"  I asked with curiosity in my voice.

"My name is Thor, an Asgardian God of Thunder. Former king of a place called Asgard" he spoke with honor and sadness in his voice. Stretching one of his hands out in front of him in a gestural manner although I decided against it.

"No thanks" I said lightly as I look down at his gloved hand that he is sticking out. "Your umm... glove is covered in wetness" I placed on of my hands behind my neck as I look down at his glove in disgust.

Turning my back to face him, I decided that I should play attention to the task at hand and not to God behind me. Although once I turned around, I felt a tap against my shoulder which made me turn my head slightly to look at the man.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" he asked while drinking some of the liquid that was in the can still.

Shaking my head, I responded with a simple "no" before turning my focus back to Rocket again. Unfortunately, that didn't last long, again I felt another tap on my shoulder which caused my focus to snap back to the homeless looking man again.

"Who are you? And why do you look familiar?" he questioned.

"My names Hope although some people might know me as Gaia. I have no clue on why I look familiar to you, maybe you met my sister" I spoke honestly in my tome with a hint of annoyance.

"Who's that?" he questioned again.

"Her name is Carol, also known as Captain Marvel"

I turned around to look at Rocket again as Thor was trying to think hard on why he recognized the name from somewhere. Then he snapped with laugh like a lighting bolt just zapped him before speaking out loud again, although this time mainly to himself. "Oh! I know her."

- Time Skip –

After a long day of hard work and oil, Rocket and I was able to final get the machine built on time. Tony decided that it needed to be big enough for all of us to travel as well as have an open space up the top. Therefore, decided to form it into a circular shape to ensure that everyone was able to get a spot on the machine. We also decided to include some beams along the side of the machine, this will allow the time travel to happen. Inside these beams included different aspects that's we took off Scotts van mixed with Tony's intelligent equipment and thoughts.

Right now, a man called Clint is currently standing in the middle of the time machine for a test run. He was currently wearing a suit that will allow him to pick a certain place and time to travel to. The colors used for this suit is red and white. These suits combine the technology of Tony, Rockets and Scotts all together to insure the person that is time travelling will be safe and not lost... or dead.

I was currently standing next to Steve and Thor as we were currently waiting on Bruce to sort the dials out on the machine. A worried looked filled Steve face as he looked towards his friend in worry, everyone was on edge because we only have one test run and the result of this could either turn out really good or really bad. Although when I say everyone, I mean everyone apart from Thor who is currently wearing a pair of beats headphone, listening to music.

"All right, Clint" Bruce called out with a face full of focus as beeping noises filled in the background. "We're going in three..." he started to count down which shifted my focus back onto Clint, he was currently standing there nervously as the mask went down to cover his face. "... two, one" the platform of the machine opened like a worm hole, bright lights of red and blue come travelling through the whole. We then suddenly watched Clint disappear into the hole, as silence and tension filled the room.

Within seconds the portal closes and Clint appears again, he was down on the floor panting. Both of his knees were on the floor as well as one hand although in the other hand there was something dear to him, clenched.

As Natasha, Tony and Scott started to make their way towards him, I decided that I wanted to help. Unfortunately, I didn't go far, "stay here" Steve told me as he reaches for my arm therefore stopping me from moving any further.

"Hey. Hey, look at me" Natasha said calmly to her longest known friend, she reaches down to his level and grab a hold of his face. His head snapped towards her before looking around the room, "you okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah" he replies as he stares towards her while small pants are escaping his lips. Natasha was currently patting on his chest as she tried to help him steady his breath. "yeah" he repeated.

His eyes snapped towards Tony as he announced the good news before throwing the object that he held in his hands. "It worked" a small smile spread across my face as my eyes snapped to Tony catching the object in his hands.

"Peter" I called out which snapped everyone's attention towards me especially Tony's. The small smile that once was on my lips has now expand wider as I called out my next announcement in happiness and joy. "We're him back"

"Hell yeah, we are!"

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