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// HOPE //

We deeply stared towards the last infinity stone that needed to be placed on the finishing gauntlet, the Soul Stone. A tense atmosphere filled the air as we looked at the red gauntlet in concentration, Tony reached for his forehead as he swiped the sweat from dipping. We were all determined to finish this masterpiece in order to bring everyone back and ensure Natasha death didn't go to waste.

"Boom!" exclaimed the racoon that stood next to her, therefore causing her heart to skip a beat, once or twice. Her body jumped into Tony therefore causing her to stand on his foot, a small ow was released from the older man's lips as she looked at him apologetically.

"It's fine, I'll let it slide because it your birthday" he spoke knowingly towards me as Banners and Rocket attention snapped to look towards me.

"It's your birthday, how old are you kid?" Banner questioned as Tony and him reach forwards to grad a hold of the gauntlet carefully.

"Sixteen" I responded quietly because I didn't want it a big deal, especially since we have other thing on hour hands at the moment. On my arm I felt a light hit therefore causing my focus to turn towards to mischievous racoon that I have grown to love and care about.

"Happy birthday pal" he said joyfully before following Tony and Banner into another room.

A small smile spread across my lips as I looked down towards the floor, whispering a small "thanks" to him.

- Time Skip –

Tony and Rocket gentle placed the glove within a container that will allow the power of the stones to not spread like wildfire. Everyone was brought into this room, prepared for the upcoming event. "All right, the glove's ready" Rocket informed everyone with goggles sitting patiently on his head. "Question is, who's gonna snap their freakin' fingers?"

"I'll do it" Thor announced as he made his way towards the gauntlet.

"Excuse me?" Tony questioned him as everyone attention was now on the God.

Rising one of his hands up, he insured everyone that "it's okay."

Steve, Tony and Lang all jumped in front of Thor, trying to hold him. They all knew that he needed to be stopped before he does something stupid. His words and movement were an act through his emotions, his grieving therefore he feels like he has the responsibilities to bring everyone back and wear the gauntlet.

"Thor, just wait" Steve asked him as he places one of his hands onto the Gods chest. "We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet."

"I'm sorry. What, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" he questioned while shaking his head as he impatiently waits for an answer.

'We should at least discuss it" Scott informed him as he looked around the room.

"Look, sitting here staring at the thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay?"

A look of confusion entered across my face as I looked up towards the God and then towards Banner. "I though he was the strongest Avenger?" I questioned as I pointed towards the big giy that stayed at the back of the room in thought.

MISSING YOU || P. PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now