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// HOPE //

Wanda and Valkyrie take off towards the sky as there was two giant alien monsters heading towards our way. Wanda was able to control something on them that force them to stand still for a minute, while Wanda is doing this, Valkyrie was scrapping her sword up along the side of the monster therefore releasing a purple substance. While Gamora, Okoye and Nebula all fought the monsters that stayed on the ground. Carol and I was heading straight towards the van, we needed it get it there before its too late. Pepper, Shuri and another Hope all appeared out of the smoke on time to hit Thanos with there lasers before he could reach us.

When Carol was getting so close to reaching the van, he threw his sword towards it, pushing my hands up I tried to block his attack but his sword just swings pass them. The blade of his landed within the tunnel therefore causing the time machine to explode, he destroyed the only way to get the stones back. Therefore, out next duty is to make sure the stones stay away from Thanos.

Game on.

As I looked towards the direction of Thanos I saw that Steve and Thor was making their way towards him too. Thor tries to stick his axe into Thanos chest although he was able to block it and slight push it back, suddenly Steve jumped onto Thanos back uses the hammer to push the axe further. As a result, for their actions backfired, Thanos headbutts Thor while he slings Cap over his shoulder and into the floor, pinching him out cold.

Not long after, I see my sister engaging a fight between her and the made titan, prepare myself for whatever might happen next. The only issue is Thanos had the gauntlet, absorbing it power all over again as he tries to attempt to wipe out everyone, not just half the population but the whole population. Quickly Carol flew towards him in anger and frustration, as she tries to grab the gauntlet off him before interlocking their fingers, so the snap doesn't happen. For a moment there, she seemed like she was winning.

But not everything is fair in life.

Thanos went to headbutt her too but the results weren't the same as the God of Lightning, instead she stayed in the same position, no cuts or marks on her body from the impact. He went to reach out towards the gauntlet as he grabs a hold of the power stone and placing it in his other hand. Pulsing his hands forwards the energy from the power stone overpowered his therefore causing her to fly backwards like a rag doll.

"I am inevitable."

"No!" I shouted as I started to race my way towards him, he was getting prepared to snap everyone out of existence again. Slamming both of my hands down on the floor, the ground underneath his started to shake before crumbling down like a sinkhole. Running at my full speed towards the big man I raised my fist in the air before slamming it down onto his face. The pressure of the air that came along causing him to stumble backwards and hit the floor. Pushing both of my hands to the side as water began to rise from around me, forcefully I point my hands towards Thanos direction. Water caved in on him as he was constantly being pushed around by the water, although with my other hand I twinkled my fingers up and down, manipulating the water to get all the stone off the gauntlet and into the palm of my hand. Th ground underneath him began to open as he sinks deep, only his head was on display. Clenching my left fist, the floor that once was open is now closed, locking him in place. He knees bulked in from extraction and frustration.

"What are you?" he questioned me as he stared at the floor in defeat, a small smirk played across my lips as I thought about my next words carefully.

MISSING YOU || P. PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now