Alone (part one)

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*TW* Self doubt, depression, metaphorical suicide
Hi! This story is Patton, and when he was trying to hide his sadness. I'm not sure how many parts I'm planning for it, probably just two or three.

It had been a bad day for Patton. Thomas hadn't needed him much during the week, but Logan, Roman, and Virgil were working especially hard. They essentially banished him to his room so they wouldn't be distracted by any dad jokes. Patton felt offended, but guessed he couldn't judge them. Humor was his coping mechanism, and it wasn't their fault he hid his sadness. But now he was alone with nothing to do, and no way to distract himself. He tried reading through Thomas's past writings, watching nostalgic movies, and even tried to cook, but nothing worked. He was now sitting on the couch, staring at the wall, with no idea how much time had passed. He wished he could help Thomas and his friends, but with no insight with what was happening, he was sure he would be a burden, so he decided to stay in his room until he was called.

Logan was stuck. He had no idea what was happening with Thomas. It was like all the progress they had made over the last year had disappeared. Thomas was more unmotivated, negative, anxious, and sad than he had been in a long time. The sides had been working on figuring out what was the matter, but to no avail. Even Deceit had chimed in. But no matter what angle they looked at the problem one, Thomas was still struggling.
At first, they had asked Anxiety if there was something wrong, but he was actually doing well. Thomas was in a good relationship and was learning to relax at times.
Next Logan questioned Thomas's creativity. But they couldn't figure out how to help with his lack of creativity. Roman tried taking inspiration from new TV shows and movies, but he still was having trouble.
Finally Logan worried that it was himself. He tried everything to think of why Thomas was so upset, and what it had to do with him. Perhaps he was trying too hard to try new things. Or maybe he wasn't working hard enough. The logical side had gone around in circles for days, trying to figure out what he did. But in the end he decided he wasn't to blame, but neither were the others. Logan was stumped with what the problem was.

It had been a week since Patton started staying in his room. He finished all of his shows, and his meals consisted of crackers and Crofters Jelly. This routine had lead to heavy weight loss and further his sadness. He always hoped that someone would pop into his room to see how he was doing, but it never happened. Instead, he could hear them chatting in the other room. It was like they forgot he existed.

Thomas hadn't put out a video in months. His followers were getting worried, but he didn't have enough energy to tell them he was alive. Instead he sat around and watched movies. Even the habits the sides had worked with him on were starting to vanish. He stayed up later and later every night, ate take out most days, and didn't keep in touch with his friends. All of his habits were taking a toll on the sides and they wanted to help them, but they couldn't. At night, while Thomas was sleeping, Logan, Roman, and Virgil would sit in the mind palace brainstorming what was the cause for their struggle. Their sleepless nights took a toll on everyone, turning the three sides against each other with even the slightest disagreement. Everything that could go wrong, was going wrong.

Patton wasn't bothering to wake up anymore. What was the point? He couldn't do anything while he was awake, so why spend the day upset and sad when he could sleep it away, and ignore everything. He had given up on his hopes of one of his friends visiting him, convinced they hated him. He constantly told himself how useless he was and how hated. While he was asleep, he would dream of a figure. The figure always asked him to stay and live with him. The figure promised family, friends, and people who would always love him. All he had to do was take the figures hand, and he would be transported there. He wouldn't wake up in the mind palace, but live his life in a dream. Patton was tempted, but nervous. He didn't want to leave his friends. And what if him leaving messed Thomas up somehow. He was doing his best to morally steer Thomas, though he couldn't do much due to exhaustion, because he had seen what happened when Anxiety ducked out(quack). But over time the offer seemed more and more appealing. No one was coming to check on him, meaning Thomas must be ok. And then they could all forget about him, like he never existed. So one night, about three months after he was first told to leave Thomas's living room, Patton took the figures hand.

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