Chinese Food- Prinxiety

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Virgil was sitting on the couch, phone in hand and headphones on, when his boyfriend of approximately one day, Roman, walked into the room. The sight of the prince's face still brought a redness to Virgil's cheeks, as much as he tried to hide it.

"What is up my chemically-unbalanced romance?" Roman asked with a smile, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"Oh my god Roman, I've told you not to call me that."

"I can't help it hot topic, I have a game for nicknames." Roman looked proud of himself for the rhyme, but Virgil just scoffed.

"Whatever princey. What are you doing here?"

"Why, can't a prince see his princess once in a while? Even if his princess is an emo nightmare?"

"Well yes..."

"Amazing!" And with that, Roman plopped down on the couch next to Virgil. At first, the two just listened to Virgil's music, but then Roman started to look at Virgil and smirk.

"What is it princey," Virgil sighed, pausing his music. Roman said nothing, instead leaning towards Virgil and starting to hum, the smirk still on his face. Virgil could feel his face start to warm up, but Roman didn't seem to notice. Instead, he put his hand under Virgil's chin and brought his face next to Virgil's ear. Virgil's face was now blushing furiously, as Roman began to whisper into his ear.

"I think we should have Chinese food for dinner."

If Patton or Logan had walked into the living room they would have seen Virgil smacking Roman repeatedly with a pillow.

I really like this short chapter, I feel like it's really cute but bordering on being Not Patton Approved

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