Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

[He can hear the sound of metal clashing. Just like how  hands of a clock ticks, it never misses a beat. It's rhythmic successions was so alluring that he can't help but be hypnotized by it. Gripping the hilt of his sword tighter, he parried his opponents attack. Taken aback, his opponent looses his footing and seeing an opening he thrusts his sword towards his opponents neck. He pauses his sword a mere inch away from his throat just when loud cheering can be heard signalling the end of the duel. Both of them remained still as they caught their breathes. After some time passed, they put their swords aside but they stayed rooted to their spot. The image of his opponent was quite hazy. He tried to focus but all he can see is the lower half of his face. That smile. He can't quite determine if his heart was thumping due to the adrenaline caused by the duel or was it something else?


Looking at Ted's breathtaking smile made him feel, well, he can't really describe it. A sense of satisfaction? Due to the fact that he had ellicited such a reaction from him. A little bit of obsession? No one should be allowed to receive that smile. He wanted to tell this fool to never show it to anyone. It's a lethal weapon in itself. But most of all, he felt a twinge of regret that he can't demand that of him.

Tch. He should have made a bet before the duel, with those conditions in mind. How annoying. At times like this, he can't even make use of his cunning self. At that thought, it surprises him. When was he ever cunning? What would his mother say if she found out this side of him? 'Ah. You really are a Taran.' That made him smile inside. It's so like his mother to accept all the unpleasant traits he got from the blood of Taran. Though it doesn't stop her from complaining about it.

Catching some movement from the person standing infront of him. He brush all those idle thoughts and tried to enjoy this little treat. But then that smiling lips began to move as if he's trying to tell him something amusing. Yet he doesn't understand. What was Ted saying? He can't hear anything. The only thing he can do is to keep on staring, hoping his name would pass through those lips.]



After calling his name multiple times, Bruno watches as Damian finally emerges from his deep thought. What has gotten into his friend? He has never been absent-minded before. Especially during a meeting which is attended by His Majesty the King and His Grace the Duke of Taran.

They were seated around a large table which seats the highranking nobles. They were discussing matters involving international affairs. In a month's time, there will be an international summit that only takes place every 3 years after the war was over. Or rather, after the Duke of Taran, The Black Lion, graced the battlefield with his presence and ended that war in complete victory of the Northeast alliance. Every country will be of attendance and this year, Xenon was to be the host country.

"Are you awake now? Stop dropping dead in the middle of discussion. If His Grace ever caught you, you know that both of us will be at the end of his murderous glare. Then we would really drop dead!"

Bruno was not even joking. If it was the infamous Duke of Taran, just a simple bug could throw him in a killing frenzy. It was a blessing that the Duke has become more docile as of late. And that is all thanks to their mother, Lucia.

Ah. Mother.

Bruno Matin was the third son of the late Count Matin. After being neglected by his elder brother who succeeded the title, he received a mysterious scholarship grant to attend the prestigious Academy, Ixium. That was where he met Damian Taran. With Bruno's cynical personality and Damian's indifference to most humans, they found themselves in each others company along with another, Chris Philippe, the ever friendly block. The three of them were an odd group but they complemented each other. Academy life never got boring with those two around.

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