Chapter 4

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Upon entering the dinning hall, Astrid can already smell bacon. Really, eggs and bacon are a classic breakfast that her mouth starts to water. The large table was almost full and servants can be seen scampering to put food on the table.

Loud chatter can be heard and on one corner you can even see someone kneeling down as if to beg for mercy. These people sure do love waking up early. Seeing the long red-haired guy trying to lovingly spoon-feed his stoic seatmate, Astrid decided to sit next to Mamon.

"Good morning Mamon. Hey there, Kin!"

Astrid greeted the two men as she took her seat while Silva sat beside her. Mamon paused feeding Kin and gave her a warm smile. Kin only nodded in response.

"Well hello, lil' sister. And a most beautiful morning to you handsome." Mamon sent a wink at Silva's direction which was answered with an icy glare. This is a daily occurence that Silva was used to it. And blatant coldness is the only thing that would satisfy Mamon or else he'll pester Silva throughout the whole breakfast.

"Aahh~ You're as cold as ever, my dear Silva! Why don't you come to my bed chambers tonight? I'll relieve this lil' sister of your presence for once."

Silva can already feel Kin's murderous aura directed at him. He could sense how Kin would stab him with his long swords if Silva so much as consider Mamon's suggestion. Just one glance and anyone could tell he was deeply infatuated with Mamon. And Mamon was still so oblivious to Kin's feelings for him.

These fools.

"I'll kindly decline." Silva said while drinking his cup of coffee and glaring at the tomatoes that Astrid was putting in his plate. Urk.

"Boo. Too bad. I just got new bedsheets from Gaul Kingdom and the lady said it was to die for. I just had to buy it!" Mamon's eyes were twinkling, clearly what the lady meant flew right over his head.

"I don't think that was what she meant." Astrid can already imagine how Mamon could kill someone a hundred ways with his brand new sheets.

"Kin, why don't you accompany me tonight instead?"

Kin suddenly stood up. His face remained expressionless but deep inside his head was utter chaos.

An invitation! From Mamon! Wha-what should I do? How should I reply? Should I bring a gift?

Kin was already heading towards the door by this time. He was thinking a couple of things on what gift to bring that he forgot to reply to Mamon.

Mamon sprang to his feet and tried to catch up to him with the intention of saying he was only teasing. He always thought that Kin was only tolerating him due to being his partner. He may shamelessly tease Kin but he doesn't want to loose him due to his bad jokes. Mamon knows Kin doesn't swing his way but even so, he still loves Kin.

Astrid watched as the two of them leave and completely forgot about their food. Such a waste. She took some pancakes and fruit from their abandoned plates while Silva was still busy peeling his tomatoes.

"How cute can those two get?"

She looked up to the one who spoke. It was a silver haired woman with the same shade of purple eyes as hers. She looks exactly like Astrid except a few years older and her hair was much longer. The woman's hair could almost reached the floor while Astrid's silver hair stops at her waist.

Silver hair and purple eyes like amethyst are the traits of royalty in Persipolis.

"They should just hook up already."

"Astra, the Shahbānu should not speak in that vulgar way. And also, let's not meddle with those two. They can handle it on their own."

Astra was Astrid's eldest sister and the current Shahbānu. She was captured by their father during the attack and locked her up in the Celestial tower where Shabānus harvest the powers of Ishtar.

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