Chapter 15

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"What am I even doing?"

Astrid slammed her head unto the table in clear frustration. It was already the late afternoon of the second day of the summit and all she did was frantically avoid Damian. As soon as she caught a glimpse of him, she would ran to the opposite direction, excusing herself immediately if she was previously engaged in a conversation.

'Can this summit be over with already? I want to go home.', is all she could think.

She didn't want to attend tonight's evening banquet but she can't avoid it. It would be a dishonor to her country for her not to attend. And with the amount of time and effort Mamon has spent making her gowns, Astrid doesn't have the heart to dissappoint him.

Mamon was the first one to have welcomed her in Sicarri. He always said that they needed the presence of a young child, someone that would welcome him after days of hard work with a bright smile on her face. It would take his tiredness away, he says. What he didn't expect was the trauma that came with Astrid. She distanced herself from others, barely nodding in response and making sure not to create any relationship in fear of losing them in the end. So Mamon's vision of a smiling, joyful child running towards him was twarted.

But to everyone's surprise, it was actually Kin that had somewhat helped her overcome it. He doesn't speak much but his actions spoke volumes. He would gift her flowers, books and local candies from countries that he and Mamon visited. He also gave her her first weapon, a blowdart with needles covered in his poisons. He would carry her to the gardens and they would spend time there just resting under the trees while reading the books he gifted her. He teached her which plants are poisonous and which she could use in emergencies as first aid. She also learned the different languages and cultures of other countries because of him.

She saw one of her older brothers, Asterope, in him. Asterope has a wandering spirit. He was curious about everything and would patiently teach Astrid of the wonders of the world that he had read from prohibited books. Remembering him made her gradually opened her chained heart. It hurts, being reminded of someone who has passed, someone who was dearly missed. But acceptance came, and she lived in peace with it.

After a few months, as Mamon and Kin returned tired from their mission, an energetic Astrid came running down to greet them. Mamon was so delighted that he picked her up and swung her around like a fool. As he put Astrid down, she saw a small smile pop out of Kin's face. The loving gaze was directed at Mamon and that was the time Astrid realized why Kin, someone who barely spoke and rarely associated himself with anyone, would come out of his way to befriend her.

All of it was just to see a happy, redheaded Mamon.

That moment stuck to her. This was what true adoration looks like. Selfless, dedicated and kind. Not the one her parent's had. It dazzled her how pure one's feelings could be. She didn't even mind that Kin only did that not for her benefit but for Mamon's joy. He helped her when no one could be bothered and she will be forever indebted to him.

So she strives to never dissappoint Mamon since his happiness is one of Kin's wishes.

The slamming of the door close brought her attention to the man that had entered. Silva was carrying a stack of letters in a silver tray, along with a letter opener, a candle and some matches. It seems like it is time to burn some useless letters.

"How dare you eat snacks without me.", Silva grumbled. He immediately sat beside her and grabbed a scone. Silva stuffed down the delicacy in one bite as if she would dare steal it from him. But Astrid knew better than to mess with food infront of Silva.

Due to Silva's upbringing, he loathes anyone who wastes any food. Not even Faust knew the reason why, even she used to be hesitant to ask. But she eventually found out that it has something to do with his deceased younger sister. That is why Astrid only takes food that she intends to eat. She learned the hard way how Silva reacts to such disrespect.

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