12 Days of Christmas | Day 1

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I was going to post this 2 days ago... but I was procrastinating so it didn't happen. :P And since today is December 16th, I'm going to have to post the Day 2 & 3 today too.... *sighs*

This is just a little bit of Christmas fluff with Fitzsimmons and the team trying to get them together! This is sort of an AU, but not exactly. This is based around the first season, okay! :3



“Skye… Are you sure this is a good idea?” A skeptical looking Trip asked as he crossed his arms over his chest, making Skye roll her eyes in response.

“If this plan doesn’t work I’ll give you ten bucks.”


Skye, Trip, and Ward were all gathered around in a circle in the common room, their eyes glancing warily at each other and their voices were hushed and low. Fitzsimmons were in the lab like they always were, Coulson was in his office, and May was piloting the plane. None of the others would be able to hear the three’s conversation.

“Okay, Trip… Do you remember your lines for tomorrow?” Skye asked as she narrowed her eyes in mock seriousness.

“Yes ma’am.” Trip answered back, trying to stifle his chuckles. Skye nodded and then turned to Ward. His face was blank and expressionless, and Skye groaned.

“Can’t you at least pretend to be happy?” She asked, her tone laced with annoyance towards the emotionless man. Ward pursed his lips into a thin line, and then slowly curled his lips up into a fake smile. “That’s more like it.” Skye grinned.

“Okay! Operation: Twelve Days of Christmas is a go!”

First Day of Christmas ( December 14th )

Trip and Ward were both hiding behind a wall besides the storage room, watching as Simmons walked down the hallway on the other side of the room. Ward held the small communication device in his ear as he waited for Skye’s orders intently. Trip slowly leaned his head away from the wall as he tried to get a better look at his “target”. When her gaze landed somewhere near the storage room door, Trip quickly jumped back and gave Ward a nod. He nodded back and quietly spoke into the microphone.

“Target Snowflake is locked and in position. Do we engage?”

Back in her own bunk, Skye was sitting on her bed with a laptop on her legs. She had hacked into the security cameras, and was now watching the two through her computer screen. She noticed that Simmons had already grabbed what she had wanted, and was about to walk away.

“T-Dog, approach Target Snowflake carefully. Ward, you go find Target Monkey.” Skye responded with a small smirk on her face.

“Why am I the only one without a code name?” Ward groaned as he stood up and straightened his back.

“Fine… You can be Cheekbones.” Skye scoffed.


“Just go get Fitz!”

With a roll of his eyes, Ward shook his head, waved his goodbye to Trip, and quietly tiptoed down the other part of the hallway towards the lab where Fitz was probably at. Once Trip was alone behind the wall, he glanced at Simmons one last time before he got up and made his way towards her. “Hey Simmons!” Trip greeted her with a dip of his head, and Simmons turned around, slightly startled by his sudden appearance.

“Oh! Hello Agent Triplett! I didn’t see you there!” She took in a breath of air as she chuckled nervously like she always did when she was surprised.

“Call me Trip.” He smiled. “Anyways, I was wondering if you could get something for me in the storage room.”

“What do you need?” She grinned politely and hid the object that she was carrying behind her back. Trip wondered what was in her hands, and why she was keeping it a secret, but he shook the thought away and focused back on the task.

“Coulson wanted me to find something to clean one of his old timey watches with. Something that wouldn’t rust it, and would make it look brand new. He said that you would now the most about all of this.” Trip explained, trying his best to remember the specific lines that Skye had thought up for him.

Simmons looked at him thoughtfully as she drew a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I think I know just the thing! You stay here, and I’ll be here in a jiffy!” She chirped and ducked around him as she walked towards the metal storage room door. She opened it up, glanced at Trip, and then disappeared inside the darkness of the room. Once the door closed shut, Trip frantically glanced at the security camera in the corner of the room.

“Snowflake is in the closet! Where is Monkey and Cheekbones?” Trip asked as he skipped over to the other side of room and down the dark hallway, trying to see if Ward and Fitz were anywhere to be seen. Then two shadows emerged from the dark, and Trip smiled. “Okay! I’ve spotted them!” Trip informed Skye and ran towards the safety of a distant wall. He hid behind it, and watched silently as Ward brought Fitz over to the storage room. They both exchanged a few words before Fitz opened it and walked inside.

“Okay Skye, lock it.” Trip said as Ward stepped away from the door and neared him.

Back in her room, Skye nodded and typed a few things into her computer, and after a few seconds of hacking, she had successfully locked the storage room door, trapping Fitzsimmons inside together. “Snowflake and Monkey are in the cage. Now we wait.” Skye said as her lips curled up into a mischievous smile.

Inside the storage room, both Fitz and Simmons were glancing around the room, terribly confused about what was going on. The lights all of a sudden went out, and the two didn’t expect the other to be in the same room with each other. Simmons cast a skeptical glance towards Fitz and crossed her arms over her chest. “Why are you in here?” She asked.

“Ward said that the door knob was broken and needed fixing. What about you?”

“Trip asked me to get something in here.”

Both of them stood still and silent in the darkness of the room as thoughts and questions ran through their minds. Fitz then broke the silence by letting out a huff, and reaching for the light switch. He tried flicking it up and down, but nothing happened. Not even a flicker of light illuminated from the small lightbulb on the ceiling. After a few failed attempts at turning on the lights, he turned towards the door. His hands grasped around the knob, and he tried turning it, but to his surprise the door wouldn’t budge. “What the hell?” He exclaimed as he continued to twist the silver knob. It was stuck in place, and after a while he finally gave up. They were trapped inside a dark closet… together.

“Fitz? What is it?” Jemma asked and rested her hand on his shoulder. Fitz looked back at his best friend and frowned.

“The door won’t open. I guess Ward was right. The door knob is broken.” Fitz sighed as he bent down on his knees and studied the knob closely and ran his finger across the smooth metal. “I think I might be able to fix it though.” He murmured, more to himself than he was to Simmons.

Simmons nodded contently, and stepped back to give Fitz some space. She silently watched him over his shoulder as he continued to tinker around with the knob, using tools that he found around the closet to unlock it. And in no time, the door knob made a clicking sound, and Fitz was able to twist the whole knob around. “You did it Fitz!” Simmons cheered and nudged him in the shoulder as the door opened, and soon enough they were both standing in the hallway and looking at each other with silly smiles on their faces.

On her bunk, Skye, Trip, and Ward were staring at the computer screen, dumbfounded at how the two scientists had managed to unlock the storage room door so fast.

“I thought you locked the door?” Ward asked and turned to look at a wide-eyed Skye.

“I did…” Skye replied, her eyes never leaving the computer screen.


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