12 Days of Christmas | Day 2

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Alright! Day 2! :3 I don't think I'll be able to post Day 3 today... even though today would be the day I'm supposed to post it on... I'll just do Day 3 and 4 tomorrow then!

Enjoy! <3


Second Day of Christmas ( December 15th )

“Alright Ward… They are both standing underneath the X.” Trip whispered into the microphone in his ear. He was hiding near the staircase in front of the lab, spying on Fitzsimmons as they were fiddling around with the hologram table. The first mission of theirs was unsuccessful, but this one would surely work.

“Okay… I’m ready.” Ward answered, peeking through the small holes inside the closet he was hiding in. He grasped the small plant in his hand firmly, making sure that it was still there.

Trip nodded to himself, and then jumped out from his hiding spot. “Fitzsimmons!” He called out as he waved his hand in the air. The two simultaneously looked up as if they had some sort of psychic link, and smiled.

“Trip! Is something wrong?” Simmons asked politely and stepped away from the table.

“I need you guys to help me out with something.” He explained, and then ushered them towards him with a small motion of his hands. “Come on! Follow me!”

The two glanced at each other hesitantly and turned the hologram off. Trip grinned and walked out of the lab with the two following close behind him. Once they all left the lab, Ward popped out of the closet and sprinted towards the ladder in the corner of the room. He grabbed it, and carried it to the spot where Fitzsimmons were both standing at. He quickly climbed up it, and taped the handful of mistletoe that Skye had bought onto the ceiling. He grinned contently and hopped off the ladder. He put it back to its original position, and hid back in the closet, waiting for the moment when Trip and Fitzsimmons would come back.

After a few minutes, they finally stepped back in the lab. “I swear that the coffee machine was making funky noises! I thought you two could fix it but I guess it’s gone now!” Trip cried exasperatedly, trying his best to make everything sound real. Fitz and Simmons didn’t seem to notice his lie, and they both gave him a pat on the back and continued towards their spot where they working with the hologram table.

“Maybe it will make some sort of noise another day?” Simmons shrugged.

“Yeah… maybe.” Trip said as he gazed up at the ceiling. There it was… the mistletoe. A sly grin crossed Trip’s face, and he stared at the two scientists with his arms folded over his chest. “Guys…” He cleared his throat, and the two looked up at him with raised eyebrows.

“Look up.”

They did exactly what he told them to, and their eyes widened as they saw the plant that hung above them. Trip tried to stifle his evil laughter as he imagined what the two might have been thinking at the moment.

Then Simmons’s face scrunched up. “That’s not mistletoe.”

Trip frowned. “Huh?”

“That is Ilex paraguariensis...” Simmons explained flatly, and turned towards Trip, who still looked very confused. “Holly, I mean.” She said simply, and then pointed up at the plant. “You see, the berries are red, and the leaves are more jagged and sharp. Mistletoe; Viscum album or Phoradendron leucarpum, depending on whether it’s European or American, has white berries and smaller more rounded leaves. People seem to get holly and mistletoe mixed up a lot...”

Fitz almost looked disappointed, and Trip bit his lip.

“So… that isn’t mistletoe?” He questioned again.



Inside the closet, Ward was listening to the conversation outside with narrowed eyes. “Skye… you do know that you bought holly instead of mistletoe right!” He muttered, trying his hardest to keep is voice low but loud at the same time.

“What?! Are you telling me that the plant I bought isn’t mistletoe?! That means that I never actually had to kiss this one boy when I was nine years old because the plant wasn’t actually mistletoe!”

Ward rolled his eyes. “This was a bust…”


Remember... Mistletoe has white berries.... Holly has red berries... Don't get that mixed up! ;)

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