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♦️🖤♦️🖤♦️Harley's POV♦️🖤♦️🖤♦️

The next day Ivy and I woke up to a bunch of commotion in the living room. I say living room but in reality it's the size of a school cafeteria.

Ivy leads me downstairs to see what's going on, and we see Bruce Wayne, Alfred, and another person. It's a young man. He seems weirdly familiar...

We walk into the room but no one noticed we're there.

"Look Dick," Bruce says, "You're not the head of the household. This was my decision to make and I made the right one. We need to give everyone a chance. Remember how I gave you a chance?"

The man named Dick looks grumpily at Bruce.

"You couldn't have called and told me though?! I me-" Dick's interrupted by me clearing my throat.

Everyone in the room looks at me.

"Uh, excuse me but who are ya?" I ask.

Dick sighs. "Well, since you already told her who you were I may as well just tell her who I am. I'm Dick Grayson, more commonly known as Nightwing."

Ivy and I gasp. "No way!"

"Yes, this is Nightwing. He lives with me since he also works with me. He just got back from a trip with his friends and he's a little upset right now because I decided to give you two a second chance, which was the right thing to do!" Bruce enunciates the last part, looking clearly at Dick.

"Look, whatever, just don't get in my way please." Dick spits at us.

Bruce rolls his eyes.

Alfred looks at us apologetically.

"I must apologize for master Dick's inappropriate behavior. He has..family issues. If you'll excuse me, I must go prepare today's breakfast." He leaves the room.

Bruce sighs. "I just thought he would understand. Well, let's just hope he warms up to you. He better or I'm going to start asking Alfred to wake him up with those cymbals I ordered last month."

I laugh and Ivy tries to stifle a giggle. Alfred suddenly rushes into the room.

"Master Bruce! There's a robbery being reported downtown! I'll send all the information to your batmobile."

Bruce nods and yells for Dick. We all change into our hero costumes.

"Well," Nightwing says, "I guess I get to see you two in action sooner than I expected."

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