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Okay so I know the last chapter was a total "OH FUCK-SHIT" moment so here's a chapter in Beck's eyes!

Also-Storytime: so I was reading through the comments on my stories (as I do occasionally) and I noticed that one reader said this (and this is word for word a direct quote):

"stop showing us photos of outfits. its lazy. its not hard to write it out. do you see twilight, the hunger games, fifty shades, the vampire diaries (books) or any other book you find at a book shop doing this? no. you dont. im so over wattpad books doing this."

So for the first time ever-I clapped back and I normally don't reply, but I was not gonna have someone who doesn't know JACK SHIT about me call me lazy. Nah. And thank you to the beauties who backed me up @limalamabob and @sadiaslayzpizzas 😘 so I said:

"You said so yourself, these are Wattpad books😂 They aren't professional books and I'm not a full time writer. I'm sorry that you think me putting out what I'm envisioning in a picture is lazy, but remember where you're reading this. Thanks"

Lemme just say, I don't get paid to write on here, it's a hobby that I enjoy that I'm sharing with all of you. And why the fuck, out of all the great books out there, did you reference Twilight and 50 Shades (no offense to people who enjoy those books Twilight was my shit in 4th grade)? So don't call me lazy, don't critique my books cuz I didn't fuckin ask, and don't diss on Wattpad writers cuz it takes a lot of balls to release your writing out here on the internet. 

T W E N T Y - F O U R

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T W E N T Y - F O U R

T W E N T Y - F O U R

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It was only 11 o'clock and I was ready to go home and see my Angel. I'd had to sit through three meetings that lasted an hour each, deal with stupid fucking people, and I was so goddamned hungry! I sat back down in my office chair and leaned back, taking in a deep breath as I closed my eyes-I'll see her soon. 


I immediately sat up and my eyes widened. "How the fuck did you get in here?" Brittney stood before me in a sundress that barely kept in her boobs and was about to fly up her as should even a speck of wind roll by. "Get out." 

"You don't have to be so rude." 

"Get out now, Brittney." 

"Listen, all I want to know is how long you plan to keep fucking around." 

"What are you talking about?"

She let out an exasperated sigh and crossed her arms. "Come on now, Beckett, you can't be serious about her."

"I am."

"Well she isn't serious about you."

I stood and felt rage build up in my bones. "You don't know anything about what Evangeline and I have."

"I may look stupid, but I'm not. Not once did she defend your 'love' at dinner and every touch was initiated by you. She doesn't love you, Beckett, but I do." 

"No, you love my money-there's a difference." She took a step towards me and looked into my eyes. A long time ago that look would've made my heart race, but I despise it now. "You need to leave, Brittney. I don't know how you got in here, but if I have to file a restraining order against you, I will." 

"Do you think she'll be able to handle life with you? Always being criticized by everyone? It didn't take very long for her to snap at me when we were having dinner, what if she does that to the press or another member of your family? She can't handle life with you because she's out of her depth! I've been here all this time; I know the ins and outs-you don't have to worry about me having a breakdown because someone doesn't like me." 


"You don't mean that," she said, sliding her hand down my arm. "We hit a rough patch, but we can work it out."

"I'm married, Brittney-"

"That can be easily fixed."

"I intend to stay married." I snapped, slapping her hand off of me. "Now, leave and never come back here-I don't ever want to see you again." I placed my hands on her arms to guide her to the door, but all of the sudden she lunged! Her lips were on mine and her arms were around me. 

"Hey, Beck, I brought you-what the fuck?!"

My head whipped around to see my Angel, tears nearly overflowing from her precious eyes. Oh, no no no! "Angel! It's not what it looks like!" I took a step in her direction and she was gone, but before I could run after her, Brittney snared my arm in her grasp. 

"Let her go, this is good for us! You can get divorced and we can be together again." She smiled up at me and her eyes gleamed with disgusting hope. 

"You're a fucked up piece of shit, Brittney. I'm getting a restraining order-don't come near me ever again. Security!" David and Ellis entered the room as I pried Brittney's fingers off of me. "Escort her out and make sure she doesn't step within 50 feet of this building again." I left the men to do their job, but by the time I went to chase Angel, it was too late. I had to explain myself! 


When I reached the condo, I ran to the door and unlocked it, bursting through the door. "Angel?!" silence. "Evangeline?!" She wasn't in the living room, kitchen or my bedroom,  so I approached the guest bedroom carefully. "Angel..." I could hear her shuffle around, so I knew she was in there. "Baby, please let me explain what you saw! Brittney was thereto try and sabotage us like always, I was telling her to leave and she just jumped on me! You have to believe me!" I was met with more silence and I sighed, resting my head against the door. "Angel, I wanted her to leave, I kept telling her to leave, but she wouldn't go and she was talking and I tried to grab and get her to leave and she just-" The door was suddenly opened and I fell to the feet of my goddess. "Angel-"

"I don't want to talk to you." 

I looked past her and saw her suitcases behind her, tears in her eyes. "No, no, no! Angel, please-Baby, don't do this!" I fumbled over myself as I followed her down the hallway, out through the living room, and to the front door. "Don't do this," I begged, reaching out to her and grabbing her wrist. 

She turned and looked at me, her eyes void of any emotion. "We wouldn't have worked out, Beckett, we're too different. I don't belong in your world same as you don't belong in mine and I should have never given into my emotions."

"I love you, Evangeline, it was an accident and it shouldn't define whether or not we love each other." 

"I do love you and that's why I'm leaving. I'm saving you from embarrassment, Beckett. Go back to Brittney." 

"I don't want Brittney!" 

"But she's what you need! I can't do this anymore, Beckett, and you can't either. We can't pretend like we aren't exhausted from fighting the stereotype all the time because we are! And it'll only get worse!" 

"I don't care! Can't you see I want to be with you?!" 

She sighed and opened the door. "You can't always get what you want...and neither can I." She walked out the door and I followed her, stopping in the middle of the hallway as she got into the elevator. 

"What am I supposed to do without you?"

"You're a rich, powerful man, Beckett, you'll figure something out." 

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